Preparing the secretariat programme budget 2018-2019


Patricia Espinosa, the Executive Secretary of the Climate Change Secretariat, has presented to Parties the proposed UNFCCC budget for the biennium 2018-2019.

SBI 46 considered the proposal and recommended a budget for approval by COP 23 and CMP 13. The recommended COP and CMP decisions are available in document FCCC/SBI/2017/7/Add.1 on pages 3 and 15 respectively.


In-depth information

The UNFCCC secretariat services the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, its Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.

Over 20 years of progress in the UNFCCC process have generated substantial mandates shaping the functions of the secretariat as well as the type and nature of services provided to Parties and stakeholders. The implementation of those mandates requires a considerable scale of operations.

Click on the windows below to see an overview of the operations of the secretariat and information on the secretariats programmes, including key activities, outputs and staff resource allocation.



Thematic backgrounder

In an effort to facilitate better understanding of the proposed budget, the secretariat makes  available background information and other supporting material on key areas of work:

Backgrounder on country supportcontaining information on:

Backgrounder on support to the intergovernmental process  

Backgrounder on constituted bodies

Backgrounder on organization of conferences and meetings 

Backgrounder on action agenda

* Version of 10 May 2017

Building the budget together

The Executive Secretary and other senior staff will be actively reaching out to Parties and Groups to provide more information - and respond to questions - and secure feedback in the lead up to the formal consideration of the proposed budget.

Building the budget together

