RCC Events
Strengthening NDC revisions through Robust Livestock GHG Inventories
18 Sep. 2024
13:00h - 14:00h
Virtual event
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre Kampala
RCC Events
Strengthening NDC revisions through Robust Livestock GHG Inventories
18 Sep. 2024
13:00h - 14:00h
Virtual event
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre Kampala


A critical area for improvement in NDC commitments, is strengthening national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories. In particular, moving from tier 1 to tier 2 inventories is critical in giving a more accurate representation of key emitting sectors in countries. For Africa, whose economies are largely reliant on agriculture, improving agricultural inventories is critical not only for defining mitigation targets but ensuring that climate ambitions are aligned with broader food security targets.

Currently several gaps exist in terms of Agricultural inventories in Africa which may limit the ability to set robust targets. The lack of comprehensive and reliable data on agricultural practices, land use, and emissions often means emissions estimates may rely on broad, default values rather than specific, accurate measurements. Further, the limited technical expertise to develop and manage inventories, limited resources to invest in inventory systems and weak institutional frameworks are some of the key challenges facing African countries.

Prioritising improvements in inventories presents various opportunities to support NDC commitments. Firstly the improved accuracy of tier 2 inventories mean more robust climate targets can be set with enhanced reporting and monitoring systems. Secondly, inventories provide valuable insights in terms of how different farming practices influence emissions which can be used to define relevant and concrete actions for mitigation and adaptation.

In this context, the UN Climate Change Regional Collaboration Centre for East and Southern Africa and Africa Climate Action Partnership (AfCAP) have organized the webinar to provide (a) an overview of the process and necessary steps for developing tier 2 inventories and (b) tips on how to translate these into NDC targets.

Webinar Objectives

The webinar targeted Party and non-Party stakeholders interested in the livestock sector and sought to:

● Provide an overview of the process of developing tier 2 inventories; 
● Share experiences of challenges and limitations in developing inventories;
● Explore pathways for more robust and concrete NDC targets; and
● Highlight opportunities to mobilize resources to strengthen GHG inventories.

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