Country page - Bolivia

Updated on 7 February 2024







Relocation challenges and indigenous population

Help in addressing the problems related to relocation in countries where it is not yet widely implemented, with a special focus on the unique considerations and rights of indigenous populations. Develop relocation strategies that respect indigenous knowledge, cultural values, and ensure meaningful participation of indigenous communities in decision-making processes.

Anticipatory Action and contingency plans

Establish plans for anticipatory action and contingency planning  by proactively identifying and addressing potential risks

Inclusion of Indigenous knowledge

Recognize the value of indigenous knowledge and incorporate it into pre-action plans -  integrate traditional practices, local knowledge, and cultural perspectives into disaster preparedness, response, and recovery strategies to enhance their effectiveness and relevance.



Quantification of water reserves: Implement mechanisms to accurately quantify water reserves, including groundwater and surface water sources

Development of an Early Warning Platform for Vulnerable Areas

Improved information dissemination to producers

 Translate information into reports and alerts that are accessible and reach producers, particularly small and medium-sized ones, in a timely and understandable manner

Linkage of early warning systems with producer organizations for coordinated response and preparedness measures

Enhancing effective communication channels with communities to enable timely and accurate delivery of early warning information

Mechanisms for timely assistance to communities

Help develop and implement mechanisms to ensure timely assistance and support to communities during drought events, including improved coordination, early response systems, and streamlined processes for accessing resources and aid.

Integration of local practices and precision agriculture for adaptation

Support in identifying measures that combine local practices and knowledge with precision agriculture technologies, empowering small and medium producers

Development of life zone restoration mechanisms

Establish mechanisms and actions for the restoration of life zones affected by droughts, focusing on ecological restoration, reforestation, and habitat rehabilitation

Development of drought plans with prevention and post-event care

Strategies for comprehensive drought plans that encompass prevention and post-event care actions, including proactive measures for risk reduction, preparedness, response, and recovery to minimize the impacts of drought events
