Response Measures Models - PRIMES


Name and contact of the organization

ICCS, National Technical University of Athens

National Technical University of Athens, 9 Iroon Polytechniou Street, Zografou Campus, Athens, Greece

Tel: ++302 10 7723629
Email: Professor P. Capros,

Description of model

PRIMES is a simulation model of the energy markets in the European Union. It simulates market equilibrium for energy supply and demand in the Member States by finding the equilibrium prices for each energy source.  The model has been used for analysis of taxation policy and emissions trading, and also includes a detailed representation of energy technologies.

The model is mainly used for: 1) analysis of standard energy policy issues: security of supply, strategy, costs etc; 2) analysis of environmental issues; 3)  looking at the impact of  technology standards, new technologies and renewable resources; 4) looking at energy efficiency, alternative fuels, trade and EU energy provision; and 5) analysis of policy issues regarding electricity generation, gas distribution and refineries.

Particular relevance

PRIMES is relevant in analysing the impacts of climate change mitigation policies including taxation and emission trading.  The detailed structure of the model also makes it suitable for assessing methods of technology development and diffusion.



Model applications

The economic effects of industry-Level emission trading to reduce greenhouse gasses-PRIMES model V.2 - The purpose of the study is to provide analytical information for a variety of alternative emission trading participation schemes, within the Member States and at the Community level. The analysis was carried out with the use of the energy system model PRIMES (

Organization's main area of research

Energy systems analysis and economics, macroeconomics and environmental economics.

Other projects / reseach

Publications (  - go to downloads section)
