SBI 33 - Documents


Symbol Date Type Status Versions
Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Thirty-third session, 30 November to 4 December 2010, Cancun, Mexico
1. Opening of the session
2. Organizational matters
2. (a) Adoption of the agenda
  FCCC/SBI/2010/11 7 Sep 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
2. (b) Organization of the work of the session
  FCCC/SBI/2010/11 7 Sep 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
2. (c) Election of officers other than the Chair
2. (d) Election of replacement officers
3. National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention
3. (a) Reports on national greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention for the period 1990-2007 and the period 1990-2008

Background information
GHG data from UNFCCC
National Inventory Submissions 2010

   FCCC/SBI/2010/18 4 Nov 2010 GHG data reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National greenhouse gas inventory data for the period 1990-2008. Note by the secretariat.
   FCCC/SBI/2009/12 21 Oct 2009 GHG data reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National greenhouse gas inventory data for the period 1990-2007. Note by the secretariat.
   FCCC/SBI/2010/L.35 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Reports on national greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention for the period 1990-2007 and the period 1990-2008. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
3. (b) Status of submission and review of fifth national communications

Background information
Annex I National Communications
Reports on in-depth reviews of national communications of Annex I Parties

  FCCC/SBI/2010/INF.8 3 Nov 2010 status reports Published EN
Status of submission and review of fifth national communications. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36/Add.1 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36/Add.2 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
3. (c) Date of submission of sixth national communications
  FCCC/SBI/2009/INF.9 5 Nov 2009 status reports
progress reports
Published EN
Status of submission and review of fourth national communications and of reports demonstrating progress. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36/Add.1 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36/Add.2 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
3. (d) Further implementation of Article 12, paragraph 5, of the Convention
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36/Add.1 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.36/Add.2 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
National communications and greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
4. National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention
4. (a) Work of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention

Background information
Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (CGE)

  FCCC/SBI/2010/21 9 Nov 2010 progress reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/21/Add.1 9 Nov 2010 progress reports Published EN
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Note by the secretariat. Addendum. Technical problems and constraints affecting non-Annex I Parties in the process of and preparation of their national communications and the assessment of their capacity-building needs.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.33 4 Dec 2010 progress reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Progress report on the work of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
4. (b) held in abeyance

Background information
As there was no consensus to include this item on the agenda, it was held in abeyance. On a proposal by the Chair, the SBI decided to include the item on information contained in national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention on the provisional agenda of its thirty-fourth session.

4. (c) Further implementation of Article 12, paragraph 5, of the Convention
4. (d) Provision of financial and technical support

Background information
National Communications from Non-Annex I Parties

  FCCC/CP/2010/5 20 Sep 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2010/5/Add.1 2 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/INF.10 9 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Information on financial support provided by the Global Environment Facility for the preparation of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.37 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provision of financial and technical support. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
5. Financial mechanism of the Convention

Background information
Financial mechanism

5. (a) Fourth review of the financial mechanism

Background information
Review of the financial mechanism

  FCCC/SBI/2010/INF.7 24 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Synthesis report on the National Economic, Environment and Development Study (NEEDS) for Climate Change Project. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.10 4 Nov 2009 party submissions Published EN
The operation of funds under the Global Environment Facility as an operating entity of the financial mechanism, as well as the Special Climate Change Fund and the Least Developed Countries Fund. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.10/Add.1 5 Dec 2009 party submissions Published EN
The operation of funds under the Global Environment Facility as an operating entity of the financial mechanism, as well as the Special Climate Change Fund and the Least Developed Countries Fund. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.38 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Fourth review of the financial mechanism. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.38/Add.1 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Fourth review of the financial mechanism. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
5. (b) Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Global Environment Facility

Background information
Guidance to the Global Environment Facility

  FCCC/CP/2010/5 20 Sep 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2010/5/Add.1 2 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.
  FCCC/CP/2009/9 27 Oct 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.5 30 Sep 2010 party submissions Published EN
Views on elements to be taken into account in developing guidance to the Global Environment Facility. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.39 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Global Environment Facility. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.39/Add.1 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Global Environment Facility. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
5. (c) Assessment of the Special Climate Change Fund

Background information
The Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)

  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.40 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Assessment of the Special Climate Change Fund. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.40/Add.1 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Assessment of the Special Climate Change Fund. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
5. (d) Least Developed Countries Fund

Background information
LDC Fund

  FCCC/CP/2010/5 20 Sep 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2010/5/Add.1 2 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/5 19 May 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the seventeenth meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert. Group. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/15 23 Nov 2010 national adaptation programmes of action (NAPA) Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the regional training workshops on the implementation of national adaptation programmes of action in 2009-2010. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/17 24 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on the national adaptation programme of action process, including operation of the Least Developed Countries Fund. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/26 23 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CHAR RU
Report on the eighteenth meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.9 28 Sep 2010 party submissions Published EN FR
Information on the preparation and implementation of national adaptation programmes of action, including on accessing funds from the Least Developed Countries Fund Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.10 4 Nov 2009 party submissions Published EN
The operation of funds under the Global Environment Facility as an operating entity of the financial mechanism, as well as the Special Climate Change Fund and the Least Developed Countries Fund. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.10/Add.1 5 Dec 2009 party submissions Published EN
The operation of funds under the Global Environment Facility as an operating entity of the financial mechanism, as well as the Special Climate Change Fund and the Least Developed Countries Fund. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.27 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Least Developed Countries Fund. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.27/Add.1 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Least Developed Countries Fund. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
6. Article 6 of the Convention

Background information
Communicating, teaching and learning about climate change

  FCCC/SBI/2010/2 18 Mar 2010 workshop documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the European regional workshop on Article 6 of the Convention. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/3 6 Apr 2010 workshop documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the regional workshop on the implementation of Article 6 in Asia and the Pacific. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/9 27 May 2010 workshop documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the regional workshop on the implementation of Article 6 in Latin America and the Caribbean. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/19 25 Oct 2010 workshop documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the regional workshop on the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention in Africa. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/22 24 Nov 2010 workshop documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the regional workshop on the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention in small island developing States. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/23 23 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on essential needs for, potential gaps in, barriers to, and progress in the implementation of the amended New Delhi work programme. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/24 23 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the full-scale implementation of CC:iNet. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.7 8 Oct 2010 party submissions Published EN SP
Activities to implement the amended New Delhi work programme under decision 9/CP.13. Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.26 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Article 6 of the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
7. Matters relating to Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention
7. (a) Progress on the implementation of decision 1/CP.10

Background information
Implementing adaptation

  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.34/Rev.1 7 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Matters relating to Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention. Progress on the implementation of decision 1/CP.10. Revised draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
7. (b) Matters relating to the least developed countries

Background information
Least Developed Countries Portal
LDC Expert Group

  FCCC/CP/2010/5 20 Sep 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2010/5/Add.1 2 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/5 19 May 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the seventeenth meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert. Group. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/12 16 Nov 2010   Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on possible elements for a future mandate for the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/15 23 Nov 2010 national adaptation programmes of action (NAPA) Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the regional training workshops on the implementation of national adaptation programmes of action in 2009-2010. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/17 24 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on the national adaptation programme of action process, including operation of the Least Developed Countries Fund. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/26 23 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the eighteenth meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.9 28 Sep 2010 party submissions Published EN FR
Information on the preparation and implementation of national adaptation programmes of action, including on accessing funds from the Least Developed Countries Fund Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.10 28 Sep 2010 party submissions Published EN FR
Views on possible elements for a future mandate for the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, including its renewal and expansion. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.28 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Matters relating to the least developed countries. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.28/Add.1 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Matters relating to the least developed countries. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
8. Development and transfer of technologies

Background information
Development and Transfer of Technologies

  FCCC/SBI/2010/25 3 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility on the progress made in carrying out the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SB/2010/INF.4 24 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Report of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer. Note by the Chair of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.25 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Development and transfer of technologies. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
9. Capacity-building under the Convention

Background information

  FCCC/CP/2010/5 20 Sep 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2010/5/Add.1 2 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.
  FCCC/CP/2009/9 27 Oct 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/20 11 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.6 7 Oct 2010 party submissions Published EN
Activities to implement the framework for capacity-building in developing countries under decision 2/CP.7. Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/10 18 Nov 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.1 14 Apr 2009 submissions by parties and organizations Published EN
Information on experiences and lessons learned in the use of performance indicators for monitoring and evaluating capacity-building at the national and global levels. Submissions from Parties and intergovernmental organizations.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.2 14 Apr 2009 party submissions Published EN
Additional or updated information and views relevant to the completion of the second comprehensive review of the capacity-building framework. Submissions by Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.8 23 Oct 2009 party submissions Published EN
Activities to implement the framework for capacity-building in developing countries under decision 2/CP.7. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.12/Rev.1 18 May 2010 party submissions Published EN
Submission from the United Republic of Tanzania on behalf of the Group of 77 and China and from Sweden on behalf of the European Union and its Member State on completion of the second comprehensive review of the capacity-building framework in developing countries under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.29 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Capacity-building under the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
10. Capacity-building under the Kyoto Protocol

Background information

  FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/10 3 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2009/16 4 Nov 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/20 11 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.6 7 Oct 2010 party submissions Published EN
Activities to implement the framework for capacity-building in developing countries under decision 2/CP.7. Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/4 31 May 2009 reports by the Secretariat Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Analysis of progress made in, and the effectiveness of, the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries in support of the second comprehensive review of the capacity-building framework. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/5 27 May 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis of experiences and lessons learned in the use of performance indicators for monitoring and evaluating capacity-building at the national and global levels. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/10 18 Nov 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.1 14 Apr 2009 submissions by parties and organizations Published EN
Information on experiences and lessons learned in the use of performance indicators for monitoring and evaluating capacity-building at the national and global levels. Submissions from Parties and intergovernmental organizations.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.2 14 Apr 2009 party submissions Published EN
Additional or updated information and views relevant to the completion of the second comprehensive review of the capacity-building framework. Submissions by Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.8 23 Oct 2009 party submissions Published EN
Activities to implement the framework for capacity-building in developing countries under decision 2/CP.7. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2009/MISC.12/Rev.1 18 May 2010 party submissions Published EN
Submission from the United Republic of Tanzania on behalf of the Group of 77 and China and from Sweden on behalf of the European Union and its Member State on completion of the second comprehensive review of the capacity-building framework in developing countries under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.30 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Capacity-building under the Kyoto Protocol. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
11. Matters relating to Article 3, paragraph 14, of the Kyoto Protocol

Background information
Impact of the implementation of response measures

  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.23 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Matters relating to Article 3, paragraph 14, of the Kyoto Protocol. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
12. Report of the administrator of the international transaction log under the Kyoto Protocol

Background information
Registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol

  FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/8 9 Nov 2010 ITL administrator reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the administrator of the international transaction log under the Kyoto Protocol. Note by the secretariat.
13. Annual compilation and accounting reports for Annex B Parties under the Kyoto Protocol for 2009 and 2010

Background information
Kyoto Protocol data

  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.32 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual compilation and accounting reports for Annex B Parties under the Kyoto Protocol for 2009 and 2010. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/5 5 Nov 2010 compilation and accounting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual compilation and accounting report for Annex B Parties under the Kyoto Protocol for 2010. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/5/Add.1 5 Nov 2010 compilation and accounting reports Published EN
Annual compilation and accounting report for Annex B Parties under the Kyoto Protocol for 2010. Note by the secretariat. Addendum. Compilation and accounting information by Party.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2009/15 21 Oct 2009 compilation and accounting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual compilation and accounting report for Annex B Parties under the Kyoto Protocol. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2009/15/Add.1 21 Oct 2009 compilation and accounting reports Published EN
Annual compilation and accounting report for Annex B Parties under the Kyoto Protocol. Note by the secretariat. Addendum. Compilation and accounting information by Party.
14. Amendment of the Kyoto Protocol in respect of procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance

Background information
Compliance under the Kyoto Protocol

  FCCC/KP/CMP/2005/2 26 May 2005 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Proposal from Saudi Arabia to amend the Kyoto Protocol. Note by the secretariat.
15. Arrangements for intergovernmental meetings

Background information
Intergovernmental Organizations and the Climate Change Process
Submissions by intergovernmental organizations
Civil society and the Climate Change Process
Submissions by non-governmental organizations

  FCCC/SBI/2010/16 19 Oct 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on ways to enhance the engagement of observer organizations. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.8 4 Oct 2010 party submissions Published EN
Ways to enhance the engagement of observer organizations. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.31 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Arrangements for intergovernmental meetings. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
16. Administrative, financial and institutional matters

Background information
Administrative and Financial Matters

16. (a) Audited financial statements for the biennium 2008-2009
  FCCC/SBI/2010/14 15 Oct 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Report of the United Nations Board of Auditors Note by the Executive Secretary
  FCCC/SBI/2010/14/Add.1 15 Oct 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Report of the United Nations Board of Auditors Note by the Executive Secretary. Addendum. Comments by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/14/Add.2 15 Oct 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Report of the United Nations Board of Auditors Note by the Executive Secretary. Addendum. Audited financial statements for the biennium 2008–2009.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24/Add.1 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24/Add.2 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
16. (b) Budget performance for the biennium 2010-2011
  FCCC/SBI/2010/13 24 Sep 2010 budget documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Budget performance for the biennium 2010-2011 as at 30 June 2010. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/INF.9 23 Nov 2010 budget documents Published EN
Status of contributions as at 15 November 2010. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24/Add.1 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24/Add.2 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
16. (c) Continuing review of the functions and operations of the secretariat
  FCCC/SBI/2010/13 24 Sep 2010 budget documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Budget performance for the biennium 2010-2011 as at 30 June 2010. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/INF.9 23 Nov 2010 budget documents Published EN
Status of contributions as at 15 November 2010. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24/Add.1 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.24/Add.2 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. Addendum.
16. (d) Privileges and immunities for individuals serving on constituted bodies established under the Kyoto Protocol
17. Other matters
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.11 2 Dec 2010 party submissions Published EN SP
Other matters. Submission from Argentina.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/MISC.12 2 Dec 2010 party submissions Published EN
Submission from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
18. Report on the session.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/L.22 2 Dec 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on its thirty-third session. Rapporteur: Mr. Kadio Ahossane (Côte d'Ivoire).
  FCCC/SBI/2010/27 1 Mar 2011 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on its thirty-third session, held in Cancun from 30 November to 4 December 2010.
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/1 29 Nov 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 29 November 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/2 30 Nov 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 30 November 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/3 1 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 1 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/4 2 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 2 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/5 3 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 3 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/6 4 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Saturday, 4 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/7 5 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Sunday, 5 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/8 6 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 6 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/9 7 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 7 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/9/Corr.1 7 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 7 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6). Corrigendum.
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/10 8 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 8 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/11 9 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 9 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/12 10 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 10 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/CP/2010/MISC.1 (Part 1) 30 Nov 2010 conference papers Published EN SP FR
Provisional list of participants. Part one (COP16). Parties: Afghanistan - Guyana.
  FCCC/CP/2010/MISC.1 (Part 2) 30 Nov 2010 conference papers Published EN SP FR
Provisional list of participants. Part two (COP16). Parties: Haiti - Sri Lanka.
  FCCC/CP/2010/MISC.1 (Part 3) 30 Nov 2010 conference papers Published EN SP FR
Provisional list of participants. Part three (COP16). Parties: Sudan - Zimbabwe; Observer States: Entities having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly and maintaining permanent observer missions at Headquarters; United Nations Secretariat units and bodies; Specialized agencies and related organizations; Intergovernmental organizations; Non-governmental organizations (A-E).
  FCCC/CP/2010/MISC.1 (Part 4) 30 Nov 2010 conference papers Published EN SP FR
Provisional list of participants. Part four (COP16). Non-governmental organizations (E-Z).