Here you can find the most common questions regarding to Article 6.2 submissions. If you have any further question do not hesitate to send an email to CARP-support@unfccc.int

What types of submissions are currently supported by the interim solution for reporting under the decision 2/CMA.3, annex, chapter IV (Reporting)?

Currently, the interim solution supports submissions of initial reports, updated initial reports, and annual information pursuant to decision 2/CMA.3, annex, chapter IV (Reporting), paragraphs 18-19.

How can I submit the annual information referred to in decision 2/CMA?3, Annex, Chapter IV.B, Paragraph 20?

The annual information, decision 2/CMA.3, annex, chapter IV.B, paragraph 20, is encouraged to be submitted in accordance with the draft version of the agreed electronic format pursuant to decision 6/CMA.4, paragraph 2, which is included in annex VII of the same decision.

What should be included in the submission of annual information?

As per decision 2/CMA.3, annex, paragraph 20, the annual submission must include "Annual information on authorization of ITMOs for use towards achievement of NDCs, authorization of ITMOs for use towards other international mitigation purposes, first transfer, transfer, acquisition, holdings, cancellation, voluntary cancellation, voluntary cancellation of mitigation outcomes or ITMOs towards overall mitigation in global emissions, and use towards NDCs". It's important to note that the draft version of the agreed electronic format categorizes the processes of authorization, transfer, acquisition, and holdings as "actions". Parties are required to report any action that occurred within the reporting year. For instance, if a Party authorizes an ITMO in 2024, this authorization must be reported in the agreed electronic format by no later than April 15th, 2025, regardless of the ITMO's vintage.
