Country page - Kazakhastan

Updated on 9 February 2024



Glacier Retreat,

Transboundary water-related hazards,


Climate change related hazards,



Drying up of the Aral sea

Assessment of indirect losses and funding mechanism

Assist with development of a unified methodology for assessing damage and losses from disasters, taking into account international experience.

Regional transboundary Multi-Hazard EWS in Central-Asia

Support with creation of a Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System by integrating existing systems in the Central Asian countries. Develop a unified geographic information system that incorporates interactive maps of Central Asian countries and displays information on existing risks as blocks or layers will enable the provision of reliable information to emergency response teams about potential sources of emergencies and their causes, to ensure better control over the state of emergency sources, early forecasting of possible emergencies, and effective management of such situations. Additional context: In the region today, 40 out of 75 million people live under constant threat of earthquakes, mudflows, floods, landslides, and other disasters. Due to the negative effects of climate change, the number of people living at risk of disasters will significantly increase. Emerging threats are transboundary in nature, and their consequences may affect the territories of several states at once. Unfortunately, such examples have been recorded in the region's history, such as the breakthrough of the dam of the Sardoba reservoir in Uzbekistan. In the future, devastating earthquakes, and breakthroughs of dams with significant volumes of water are possible, including the threat of a breakthrough of Lake Sarez. Additionally, threats from moraine lakes located in border areas are increasing, etc.

Digital atlas of natural and man-made transboundary hazards of Central Asia

Develop a Digital Atlas to conduct risk assessments of transboundary hazards of the Central Asian countries, to assess the possible consequences of transboundary emergencies, to determine areas of distribution of transboundary emergency situations, and to inform other tasks to protect the population and the facilities/territory of the Central Asian countries from transboundary natural disasters, accidents, and catastrophes. This will improve mechanisms for mutual information and notification of the populations in the Central Asian countries that fall into the risk zone of transboundary emergencies. Use reliable data to update the sub-regional risk index INFORM for Central Asia, as well as the regional disaster risk profile of Central Asian countries.

Network of aerological observations

Improve the observation network in Kazakhstan and ensure better data collection for weather, climate, air quality, and hydrological monitoring. Modernize the network of aerological observations in the Central Asian region. Additional context: There is an insufficient number of observation networks covering the vast territory of Kazakhstan, which measures 2 million 724.9 thousand square kilometers. The Central Asian region has a sparse network of aerological observations, which has a negative impact on the entire cycle of hydrometeorological monitoring and forecasting. Kazhydromet's station network includes:

347 surface weather stations (228 manual + 119 automatic/AWS), of which data from 242 stations is shared internationally. Only 9 upper-air stations. Agrometeorological measurements are performed at 209 agrometeorological stations, including 128 surface stations and 88 agrometeorological posts. 170 air quality stations, of which 47 are manual and 123 are automated. 377 hydrological and water quality measurement stations.

Modernization of server technology

Modernize server technology to enable effective utilization of existing predictive models and introduction of new ones. Upgrade sever infrastructure to optimize computation capabilities and implement efficient data management systems to facilitate accurate and reliable forecasts and to enable seamless integration of predictive models, improve data processing efficiency, and support the implementation of advanced forecasting techniques; ultimately empowering forecasters to leverage the full potential of existing models and to develop innovative approaches to deliver enhanced forecast services.

Cooperation through joint research

Develop the scientific potential of hydrometeorological services, including strengthening cooperation through joint research. Support joint research with the participation of hydrometeorological services of Central Asian countries and international-level experts to conduct studies of regional synoptic processes in Central Asia under climate change conditions; to assess the current climate resources of Central Asia; to improve long-term weather forecasting methods for the region; and to transition from traditional observation methods to automated monitoring under the arid climate conditions of Central Asia.

Capacity building needs

Strengthen the capacity of stakeholders’ specialists in processing and using Earth remote sensing data for operational activities. Build capacity to cover new potential users of hydrometeorological services, focusing on the demand of sectors of the economy and population. Additional context: We offer the following types of work: Analyzing existing NHMS products; Making recommendations for improving old products and developing new ones; and providing training to NHMS specialists in developing new products and services for the economy sectors.

Drying up of the Aral Sea

Support for the national program of planting saxaul on the dry bottom of the Aral Sea.
