
Welcome to the Climate Neutral Now Resources Centre


On this page, you will find many resources and useful links to support you in implementing climate action, ranging from a non-exhaustive list of organizations who are in a position to support your company or organization to take the necessary steps, to useful initiatives and tools. 

Any suggestions? Contact us!

Do you Need Help Measuring & Reducing your company's or organization's emissions ?

For advice and support on measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the following organizations are participants in Climate Neutral Now, being familiar with the process, and are able to support you in your steps to participate. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of organizations that can provide support, and that we do not validate or certify them. We list them as organizations that are set up to help others and are familiar with the Climate Neutral Now process:

Climate Footprint Calculator for Individuals

Awareness is the first step to take climate action. Do you want to know your individual or your household's climate footprint? Our online calculator will help you to measure it. The calculator takes into account parameters such as energy use, travels, eating and consumption habits, etc. It will give you a better understanding of how much greenhouse gas your daily activities represent. Then, you can translate this figure into well-know equivalences to better understand how much it means, thanks to the Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator

Now that you are aware of your footprint, you can take action to reduce it!

Air Travel Carbon Emissions Calculator

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has developed a calculator to assess one's carbon dioxide emissions from air travel. The ICAO Calculator allows passengers to estimate the emissions attributed to their air travel in a simple way, and requires only a limited amount of information from the user. 

Hotel Footprinting Tool

The Hotel Footprinting Tool allows to search the range of carbon emissions and energy usage among hotels around the world. Real data is used: it is supplied by the industry's global benchmarking study and aggregated to show the distribution of footprints in particular geographical locations.

EDGE Green Buildings

EDGE makes it faster, easier and more affordable than ever before to build and brand green.

As the world prepares for climate neutral buildings, EDGE empowers market leaders to achieve this aspiration and gain a competitive advantage. An innovation of IFC, EDGE is a software, a standard, and a green building certification system that responds to the need for a measurable solution to prove the business case for building green and unlock financial investment. EDGE now recognizes the procurement of offsite renewable energy and carbon offsets.

Estimating the footprint of food

The GiantLeaps Impact Tool allows restaurants, caterers and events to measure and manage the climate impact of the food they serve. Either per dish on the menu, or based on the total food going though the organization.

You are considering offsetting your unavoidable emissions but have questions about it

You can contact us with your questions, and you can also look at the following Carbon Offset Guide developed by the GHG Management Institute and the Stockholm Environment Institute.

Transaction prices for carbon units

The investment gap towards climate action has been recognized as one of the key factors hindering a low-carbon transition aligned with the Paris Agreement. By working together towards a more credible and transparent voluntary carbon market, we can attract investments, reassure stakeholders and help provide the required funds to bridge this investment gap by using this tool and drive forward the Paris Agreement goals.

Increasing transparency in the market can reassure investors and market players, stimulate demand and reduce risks as well as prove the voluntary carbon market’s efficiency in tackling climate change to policymakers and other stakeholders.

The UNFCCC secretariat is interested in supporting greater transparency in the voluntary carbon market. We believe that everyone from project developers to individuals and companies interested in compensating the greenhouse gas emissions they have not avoided should benefit from a credible and transparent carbon market.

The International Carbon Offset Price Index provided by EcoSecurities offers an indication of the transaction prices for carbon units. The Index is based on verified transactions that occurred over the previous month. The transactions analysis is based on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Gold Standard Registries’ marketplace.

The UNFCCC secretariat is not involved in producing the Price Index. For more information, visit EcoSecurities’ website. To find the International Carbon Offset Price Index, visit EcoSecurities’ dedicated page.

Recognition for your action and networking

Momentum for Change initiative 

Momentum for Change is an initiative spearheaded by the UN Climate Change secretariat to shine a light on the enormous groundswell of activities underway across the globe that are moving the world toward a highly resilient, low-carbon future. Momentum for Change recognizes innovative and transformative solutions that address both climate change and wider economic, social and environmental challenges.

Momentum for Change has launched Climate Neutral Now as one of its 6 areas of focus at the Conference of the Parties held in Marrakech, Morocco, in 2016 (COP22). In 2017, the initiative has recognized Climate Neutral Now solutions during its Awards Ceremony, held at COP 23, in Bonn, Germany. 

For more details on those activities and those who lead them, please visit the Climate Neutral Now section of the Momentum for Change pages. 

Want to stay up to date with the latest on climate and tips for action?

Purdue Global University has identified 45 sources of information that regularly provide new updates and tips.

