Presidency consultations on decision 1/CP.26, 1/CMP.16 and 1/CMA.3

The Presidency is undertaking informal consultations to hear Parties' expectations for decisions 1/CP.26, 1/CMP.16 and 1/CMA.3. The President requested Mr. Archie Young and Ms. Alison Campbell (UK) to undertake these consultations.

Secretariat contact:  Sergey Kononov, Kay Merce

Date / Time and Meeting Room Meeting Document
13 Nov 2021 On 13 November 2021, the Presidency made available to Parties a revised version of draft decisions 1/CP.26, 1/CMP.16 and 1/CMA.3.

Draft proposal by the President on 1/CP.26

Draft proposal by the President on 1/CMP.16

Draft proposal by the President on 1/CMA.3

12 Nov 2021 On 12 November 2021, the Presidency made available to Parties a revised version of draft decisions 1/CP.26, 1/CMP.16 and 1/CMA.3. Draft decision 1/CP.26. Proposal by the President

Draft decision 1/CMP.16. Proposal by the President

Draft decision 1/CMA.3. Proposal by the President
10 Nov 2021 In the morning, the Presidency released draft texts of decisions 1/CP.26, 1/CMP.16 and 1/CMA.3. These drafts will be considered by Parties at the fourth meeting of informal consultations by HoDs, planned to take place on Wednesday afternoon at 16:45.

Draft decision 1/CP.26. Proposal by the President

Draft decision 1/CMP.16. Proposal by the President

Draft decision 1/CMA.3. Proposal by the President

8 Nov 2021 The Presidency held a third meeting of informal consultations with Parties to hear reactions to the released non-paper with possible elements of the cover decisions. Observers were invited to join the informal consultation. Based on the discussions so far, the Presidency informed that it intends to release a draft text on Wednesday, 10 November, for consideration by Parties at the fourth meeting of informal consultations, planned to be on Wednesday afternoon.  
7 Nov 2021 On 7 November 2021, the Presidency released a non-paper with possible elements of the cover decisions, based on the feedback received from Parties.
Non-Paper: Presidency summary of possible elements identified by Parties for inclusion across 1/CP.26, 1/CMA.3, 1/CMP.16 without prejudice to placement
5 Nov 2021 The Presidency is undertaking informal consultations with Parties on decisions 1/CP.26, 1/CMP.16 and 1/CMA.3. Two meetings took place on Wednesday, 3 November and Friday, 5 November for Parties to provide their views/expectations for the content of these decisions. On the basis of Parties’ interventions, the Presidency intends to prepare and make available to Parties a list of possible elements of what these decisions may contain.  
3 Nov 2021 A first meeting took place on Wednesday, 3 November. Due to time constraints some Parties could not yet intervene to provide their views. On Friday, 5 November informal consultations will continue to allow Parties to complete their interventions. After that second meeting, the Presidency intends to present a list of elements of what these decisions may contain on the basis of Parties’ interventions.  