Constituted Body meetings and events,
Mandated and other events
Tenth meeting of the Katowice Committee on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures
KCI 10
30 - 31 May 2024
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
Response Measures
Constituted Body meetings and events,
Mandated and other events
Tenth meeting of the Katowice Committee on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures
KCI 10
30 - 31 May 2024
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
Response Measures


Link to webcast

Meeting report and other documents

Meeting report


Pre-meeting documents

KCI/2024/10/1 Provisional agenda
KCI/2024/10/2 Annotations to the provisional agenda
KCI/2024/10/3 Tentative work schedule for the 10th meeting of the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impact of the Implementation of Response Measures

Draft strategy to implement the activities from outcome of mid-term review of the workplan of the forum and its Katowice Committee on Impacts for 2020-2025


Draft framework for technical paper on capacity building for the assessment and analysis of the impacts of implementation of response measures to facilitate economic diversification and transformation and just transition

KCI/2024/10/6 Draft compilation and synthesis: guidelines and frameworks on just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs

Draft case study: assessing the impact of economy-wide domestic and international mitigation policies on the economy of Maldives

KCI/2024/10/8 Draft updates to the rules of procedure of the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures

Concept note: draft capacity-building programme to assist Parties in undertaking an assessment of the impact of the implementation of response measures

KCI/2024/10/10 Background note: Enhancing the work of the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures

Reference documents

Strategies implementing work plan activities 2020-2025

Decisions from UAE relevant for KCI Decision 13/CP.28; Decision 4/ CMP.18; Decision 19/CMA.5

Work plan of the forum and its KCI (2020-2025)

Rules of procedure of the KCI


2 (d). Membership_matters
3 (a). Outcome of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in the United Arab Emirates and KCI activities
3 (b). Outlook for 2024
4 (b). Response to relevant mandates and invitations from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in the United Arab Emirates
5 (a). Implementation of workplan activity 4
7. Implementation of mandates arising from decisions 20/CP.27, 7/CMP.17 and 23/CMA.4
5 (b). Implementation of workplan activity 6
5 (d). Implementation of workplan activity 10
4 (a). Monitoring system to track the progress of implementation of mandates for the KCI
11 (a). Enhance the work of the KCI
8. Communication and outreach strategy
9. Mainstreaming gender considerations
10. Date and venue of the next meeting


Submissions on reporting and informing on efforts to assess and analyze the impacts of the implementation of response measures (activity 10 of the workplan)

Inputs from Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)
Inputs from Cameroon
Inputs from Canada
Inputs from Guatemala
Inputs from Habitat Earth International organisation
Inputs from The State of Palestine
Inputs from Rural Urban Partnership For Africa_DRC
Inputs from UNCTAD
Inputs from Republique du Congo