Global Climate Action at COP 28

Join us at COP28 for the continuation of the critically important Global Climate Action. Building upon the successes of previous conferences, this programme of the Marrakech Partnership will showcase the collective momentum from diverse sectors of society, emphasising key issues crucial to driving global ambition and action. Engage with our Action events that highlight tangible progress in near-term action and implementation, while our Implementation Labs (iLabs) offer innovative solutions and foster collaboration to achieve the breakthrough 2030 goals.

Stay updated with the latest concept notes, programs, and outcome documents, which will be posted on this page as they become available.


GCA Hub Programme
Marrakech Partnership and High-Level Champions GLOBAL CLIMATE ACTION HUB at COP 28


Marrakech Partnership and High-Level Champions Events

Concept Note
Webcast on demand

Summary of Global Climate Action at COP 28

2 December 2023

Global Climate Action High-Level Event (opening):
Towards a Turning Point for Climate Action

Concept Note   Webcast
3 December 2023
Taking Stock of Climate Action: Resilience Concept Note   Webcast
iLabs: Fostering adaptation transformations at the nexus of food, water and health to deliver on the Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Concept Note   Webcast
iLabs: Enabling private finance for adaptation: Practical actions to drive progress on the Sharm El-Sheik Adaptation Agenda Concept Note Outcome Webcast
Transition Finance: from Ambition to Action Concept Note Outcome Webcast
Poverty, Climate and Finance as Countries Transition Concept Note Outcome Webcast
4 December 2023
Taking Stock of Climate Action: Finance Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: SME & Indigenous circularity & technology for nature positive sustainable growth Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Roundtable discussion on the objectives of the Sustainable Debt Coalition and a Task Force on Sustainability-Linked Sovereign Financing for Nature and Climate Concept Note Outcome Webcast
Investing in a resilient future: Catalysing adaptation finance and bridging policy gaps Concept Note Outcome Webcast
Regional Platforms for Climate Finance: Unlocking climate finance flows through project acceleration Concept Note Outcome Webcast
5 December 2023
Taking Stock of Climate Action: Energy and Industry: Accelerating Systems Transformations Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: South-South learning and market design of biocredits to enhance conservation and resilience Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Enablers to tripling renewable power generation by 2030 through a just, financed, and equitable transition Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Green market mechanisms for industry decarbonization – Spotlight on steel in emerging economies Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: The power of demand signals & policy enablers to accelerate exponential systems transformations Concept Note Outcome Webcast
Africa's Sustainable Future: Mobilizing Climate Finance at Scale Concept Note   Webcast
Runway to NET ZERO in the Fashion Industry Concept Note   Webcast
6 December 2023
Taking Stock of Climate Action: Human Settlements and Transport Concept Note   Webcast
iLabs: Accelerating decarbonisation of shipping sector with hydrogen-based fuels Concept Note Outcome Webcast
Special iLab: Actions after Impacts: Non-Party Stakeholders delivering concrete solutions to address Loss and Damage – Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Saleemul Huq Concept Note   Webcast
iLabs: Delivering the Buildings Breakthrough-Pioneering leadership for a low-carbon, resilient world Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Seizing & catalyzing the urban financing opportunity to accelerate multilevel action for just transition & resilience Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Launch of SAA working group on urban water resilience     Webcast

Accountability and Implementation Dialogue

Concept Note   Webcast
8 December 2023
Marketplace for the future Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Youth engagement with the Equitable Fossil Fuels Phase Out (EFFPO): Youth-led initiatives and demands for a just transition Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Bridging the research gap: Levelling the climate research field and empowering Global South climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: The Climate Catalysts: Youth and Local Leaders Spearheading Action in the Climate Emergency Concept Note   Webcast
Egypt’s National Initiative for Smart Green Projects: A Unique Model in Localizing Climate Action Concept Note   Webcast
The power of sport for Climate Action Concept Note   Webcast
9 December 2023
Taking Stock of Climate Action: Land and Ocean Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Finance and innovation for climate-friendly food systems Concept Note Outcome Webcast
iLabs: Monitoring land restoration to advance ambitious climate action Concept Note   Webcast
iLabs: Accelerating nature-based solutions for coastal resilience: financing and policy tools Concept Note Outcome Webcast
10 December 2023
Taking Stock of Climate Action: Water - Hydrating Climate Action Concept Note   Webcast
iLabs: Transforming aquatic food systems Concept Note   Webcast
iLabs: Passage of water Concept Note   Webcast
11 December 2023
Global Climate Action High-Level Event (closing) - Uniting on the Pathway to 2030 and Beyond Concept Note

Written Statements


Observer Organizations:


