Long-term climate finance events in 2012

Background Information on the Work Programme on Long-term Finance in 2012

The Conference of the Parties (COP), at its seventeenth session, in decision 2/CP.17, decided to undertake a work programme on long-term finance in 2012, including workshops, in order to make progress on long-term finance in the context of decision 1/CP.16, paragraphs 97–101.

The aim of the work programme is to contribute to the on-going efforts to scale up the mobilization of climate change finance after 2012. As such it will analyze options for the mobilization of resources from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources and relevant analytical work on climate-related financing needs of developing countries. The analysis will draw upon relevant reports including that of the High-level Advisory Group on Climate Financing and the report on mobilizing climate finance for the Group of Twenty and the assessment criteria in the reports, and will also take into account lessons learned from fast-start finance.

The President of COP 17 was invited by the COP to appoint two Co-Chairs, one from a developing country Party and one from a developed country Party. The secretariat was requested to assist the Co-Chairs in supporting the workshops. Additionally, the Co-Chairs, supported by the secretariat, were requested to prepare a report on the workshops for consideration by COP18.

Contributions received regarding the work programme on long-term finance
Title Affiliation / organization Date received
Adaptation Financing Proposal: Target Setting Based on Vulnerability Reduction Credits The Higher Ground Foundation 6 July 2012
The UNFCCC Work Programme on Long-term Finance: OXFAM Technical Briefing OXFAM 14 August 2012
Financial Transactions Taxes and the Global South - Frequently Asked Questions Institute for Policy Studies 11 October 2012
Climate Finance: A tool-kit for assessing climate mitigation and adaptation funding mechanisms Robin Hood Tax campaign (UK) 15 October 2012

The first workshop on long-term finance was held on 9-11 July 2012 in Bonn, Germany. It facilitated technical and analytical discussions on scaling up the mobilization of climate change finance after 2012.
Information and documents
Video archive of the first workshop
Social media manual for virtual participants

Information for Participants Presentations
Day 1 - 9 July 2012
Session 1: Setting the Scene: Long-term Finance
Professor Jeffrey Sachs. Earth Institute, Columbia University
Helen Mountford, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Anthony Nyong, African Development Bank
Session 2:  Understanding the long-term finance needs of developing countries
Manuel Montes, South Centre
Erik Usher, UNEP
Ulric Trotz, Caribbean Community Climate Centre
Day 2 - 10 July 2012
Session 3: Sources of climate finance
Mattia Romani, Global Green Growth Institute & London School of Economics
Jane Erbinger, World Bank
Barbara Buchner, Climate Policy Initiative
Session 4:  Options for mobilizing climate finance
Terry McCallion, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Geoff Sinclair, Standard Bank & UNEP Finance Initiative
Session 5: Lessons Learnt from Fast-start Finance
Derek Gibbs, Barbados
Stefan Agne, European Commission
Jean Touchette, OECD

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Contributions received in regards to the first workshop on long-term finance
Title Affiliation / organization Date received
Proposal from ActionAid USA and Friends of the Earth US for Long-term Finance Workshop Friends of the Earth US 7 July 2012
Funding Scheme for Bali Action Plan; A Swiss Proposal for global solidarity in financing adaptation Martin Stadelmann 9 July 2012
The potential of financial transaction taxes for development financing The South Centre 11 July 2012
World Economic and Social Survey 2012; In Search of New Development Finance The South Centre 11 July 2012
Comments / questions raised with regard to the work programme on long-term finance
Title Question Enquired by Affiliation / Organization Date received

"What role of local voluntary carbon market, especially at city-scale?"

Mr. Emanuele Bompan TERRA 9 July 2012
Categorization and tracking of LTF

"A critical feature in having all the long-, medium-term, and current climate finance actually be effective and build trust on both sides of the contributor/recipient line is building an independent system of categorizing and tracking these funds. These are core elements in an MRV of finance. On categorization, we need clear criteria of what _counts_ for each category (mitigation, adaptation, land-use/REDD+). On tracking, we first need transparency of what is being counted by contributor nations and multilateral agencies. Most basically, we need to know which projects and programs are being counted as climate finance by these agencies, at the project level. There is very grave evidence of miscategorization of projects under the OECD Rio Markers system, of projects which should not have been be counted. [Note that these projects are categorized by contributor agencies, not the OECD.] These need to be independently checked, by some group delegated by the Convention. Second, we need a system to track the funds all the way from the contributor agency to recipient government, and to implementing agencies, from the planning stages to the end of implementation of each project. All this is possible now with web-based technology which has been developed for other sectors of foreign assistance. These systems will be critical in maintaining the confidence that will keep climate finance coming for the rest of this decade and beyond. So the question is, can these systems of categorization and tracking of climate finance be set up now, under the authority of the UNFCCC, based on Fast-Start experience?"

Mr. Timmons Roberts Brown University 9 July 2012
Public versus private

"There has been a lot of focus on attracting the private sector finance, with detailed discussion, but there has been no in-depth discussion of how we are going to scale up public sources between 2013-2020. - Public finance needs are huge, and 100billion dollar commitment should be public, even if part of that is used for leveraging more private finance. Developed countries don't seem to agree. What do they then think will be the ballpark share of public finance of the 100bn? Are they jumping ship on the commitment?"

Ms. Craeyest Lies Oxfam International 10 July 2012
Comments / questions raised during the first workshop on long-term finance
Title Question Enquired by Affiliation / Organization
Questions raised for Prof. Sachs

Questions for Prof. Sachs have been forwarded to him. You can find them here.

Questions for the interactive sessions for 9-11 July 2012

"Please see the attachment for our questions for each day of the workshop.
Thank you for the opportunity to contribute,
The RTCC.org team"

Mr. John Parnell RTCC.org
Question for session on sources and lessons learnt from Fast-start finance "I was just asked whether there is too much on tracking the finance rather than on the effect of the use of the finance. Should we not be looking at achievement of goals and effective implementation of objectives rather than quantifying amounts of money. Without context, the figures mean nothing!
While I think tracking comes with context. These are lessons learnt from development finance where private sector has been increasingly active. You can't measure the achievements of goals unless you know how much money was channeled, from where and for what purpose. If money is being double counted then its not really reaching as far as it should. Hence transparency is important at the donor and recipient level. Reporting systems need to be more systematic, detailed and robust.
I want to know what the panelists think. Are these two concepts really at odd with each other?"
Ms. Ghani Meera CAN Europe
Long term Finance Workshop "In the Interest of time, i want to relay my comment on experiences of Fast start Finance in Kenya.
The Workshop on LTF has been very useful and we want to thank you co-chairs and the secretariat for the excellent organization of the workshop.
  • The Issue of information flow on FSF is a great challenge in many developing countries ; with many uncoordinated climate change projects by private sector, civil society and government(not clear on climate finance).
  • We have put in place National Climate Change Donor Coordination Group that Meets quarterly (4 times a year) coordinated by the Ministry of Environment with high level representation of relevant ministries, Civil society and private sector. This been useful understanding the various upcoming projects funded by different donors and the amount allocated as part of FSF. However, it is not clear to some diplomatic missions in the country on what is climate change finance.
  • Systematic national approach to climate is crucial to understanding Climate finance and corresponding activities. We are in the final stage of preparing a Comprehensive National climate Change Action plan-which has priority actions on mitigations and adaptation and in addition, national finance framework which will coordinate all climate finance in the country.
  • We look forward to clear predictable and certain future international climate finance and replenishment of Green Climate Fund  to take forward and implement our comprehensive actions on climate change and build capacities for the respective institutions under our plan."
Ms. Fatuma Hussein Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, Kenya

The second workshop on long-term finance was held on 1-3 October 2012 in in the Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa.
Information and documents
Video archive of the second workshop
IISD reporting
Social media manual for virtual participants

Information on the Second Workshop on Long-term Finance, Cape Town, 1-3 October
As part of the UNFCCC work programme on long-term climate finance mandated by the UN Climate Change Conference in Durban, the second transparent and interactive workshop on long-term finance took place in Cape Town 1-3 October. The second workshop built on the discussions held during the first workshop in July in Bonn. While the first workshop mainly concentrated on understanding the general nature and overview of long-term climate finance, the second workshop was designed to generate more in-depth discussion on its sources and enabling environments. The Cape Town event was also an opportunity for Parties, private sector and civil society stakeholders to express their views on these issues.
In-depth discussions took place on important sub-topics such as new and innovative sources of climate finance, various approaches and strategies to mobilze climate finance from various sources, and ways to strengthen the capacity of developing countries for improved access to climate finance.
To ensure full transparency and inclusiveness, central parts of the second workshop were webcast live and are now available as video on demand, and external participants were able to put questions to the presenters, and leave comments on UNFCCC's social media platforms.

Cape Town International Convention Centre Convention Square

IISD Reporting
IISD has also covered the second workshop on long-term finance, please click here for further information.

Documents for Participants

Schedule for webcast and presentations (In Central European Time)

Day 1: 1 October 2012, Monday
08:50 - 09:00 Introduction and overview of the workshop by the long-term finance co-chairs
09:00 - 10:00 Opening session - Setting the scene: Long-term finance
Session 1: Scaling up of climate finance - Sources
10:45 - 12:30

Live and interactive Q&A at the end of the session

Day 2: 2 October 2012, Tuesday
Session 2: Enhancing enabling conditions: Policy and instruments
09:00 - 10:00

Live and interactive Q&A at the end of the session

Session 3: Enhancing enabling conditions: Delivery and access
14:00 - 15:00

Live and interactive Q&A at the end of the session

Day 3: 3 October 2012, Wednesday
09:00 - 10:30 Plenary reports                   
11:00 - 12:00 Wrap-up and closure

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Contributions received in regards to the second workshop on long-term finance
Title Affiliation / organization Date received
Rebate Mechanism for fair and global carbon pricing of International Transport International Maritime Emission Reduction Scheme 27 September 2012
First webinar, Thursday, 13 September 2012

This webinar series discuss about various approaches applied to assessment of financing needs to implement mitigation and adaption measures in developing countries in the longer term. The presentations draw upon relevant technical and analytic work including the National Economic, Environment and Development Study (NEEDS) for Climate Change Project of UNFCCC and UNDP’s Capacity Development for Policy Makers to Address Climate Change. Results, Experiences & Lessons Learned. They also discuss the methodologies used to assess financial flows that directly and indirectly support climate change mitigation and adaptation activities.

In particular, this webinar reviews the following important issues, namely:
  • Methodologies used for measuring climate-related finance needs at global, regional, and country level
  • Lessons learned from application of "top-down" and "bottom-up" approaches in climate financial needs assessments
  • Conditions that enable accurate assessment of mitigation and adaptation related finance needs in developing countries
  • Methodologies used for tracking climate mitigation and adaptation financial flows
First run: 09:00 - 10:30, CET :
  • Georg Børsting, Co-Chair of the work programme on long-term finance
  • Naderev Sano, Climate Change Commission, the Philippines
NEEDS: the Philippine experience
  • Alejandro Kilpatrick, UNFCCC
National Economic, Environment and Development Study: Key Lessons
Click here for the recording of the first run of the webinar
Second run: 16:00-17:30, CET  
  • Zaheer Fakir , Co-Chair of the work programme on long-term finance
  • Susanne Olbrisch, United Nation Development Programme
The UNDP Investment & Financial Flows Methodology – a tool for decision-makers
  • Lawrence Pratt, INCAE Business School, Costa Rica
Options for Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Costa Rica: Towards Carbon Neutrality in 2021
Click here for the recording of the second run of the webinar
Return to the long-term finance website>>

Information, documents and video archive

Contributions received in regards to the first webinar of the work programme on long-term finance
Title Affiliation / organization Date received
Query Wizard for International Development Statistics OECD 13 September 2012
Aid Statistics and databases OECD 13 September 2012
Financing Climate Change Action OECD 13 September 2012
Second webinar of work programme on long-term finance
Second webinar, Friday, 21 September 2012

As developing countries gain an improved understanding of their adaptation investment requirements, and build a stronger basis for articulating their financing priorities and attracting climate finance, an assessment of available and potential sources and options for adaptation finance becomes ever more important.

The first UNFCCC Workshop on Long-term finance and the 1st Webinar covered a range of important issues in relation to costing of adaptation to climate change impacts. Building on the topics covered during the first Workshop and first Webinar this second Webinar covers a range of key issues related to adaptation finance in developing countries.

In particular, this webinar reviews the following issues, namely:
  • The potential of existing and new sources of public finance in addressing adaption finance needs of developing countries
  • Insight emerging from the experience of bilateral and multilateral adaption financing mechanisms in scaling up financial resources in the short, medium and long term
  • The role of the financial mechanism of the Convention in mobilizing scaled up financial resources to address climate adaptation related financing need of developing countries
  • Assessment of replicability and scalability of types of adaptation funding models based on the experience of the Adaptation Fund, other bilateral and multilateral funds, and national funds.
  • The potential of private sector engagement in adaptation activities: What is the potential for scalability and reliability of sustainable microfinance and microinsurance schemes?

First run: 09:00 - 10:30, CET

Moderator: Click here for the recording of the first run of the webinar
Second run: 16:00-17:30, CET

  • Zaheer Fakir, Co-Chair of the work programme on long-term finance
Presenters: Click here for the recording of the second run of the webinar


Information, documents and video archive
