Capacity-building Day | 3rd Capacity-building Hub

in collaboration with International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)

Please find the Capacity-building Day summary here.

Wednesday, 3rd November 2021

Universities, as historically powerful arbiters of knowledge in societies, have the ability and minimum logistics needed to generate both generic and  specific capacities, creating a synergy for building overall human resources for development and climate change. They have a ripple effect across all segments and sectors, from reaching students (through curricula) to supplying the world with graduates, experts, thought leaders, and policymakers.

As efforts to implement the Paris Agreement move forward, it is crucial to consider how the existing capacity-building patterns can be reshaped so that funding earmarked for capacity-building does not constitute disparate expenditures without lasting effect, but investments that build local capacities ford decades and generations to come. In this regard, it is imperative to explore and explicate the role of universities, research institutes, and experts on traditional and indigenous knowledge in contributing to the sustainability of capacity-building efforts.

Following the legacy started from COP23, COP26 will once again include a one-day long capacity-building day organized by non-state actors led by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and overseen by a Planning Committee whose members include PCCB members, academics, UN staff, negotiators, development practitioners and researchers. Highlighting the importance of universities stated above, the capacity-building day this year will focus on the role of universities and research organizations in creating long term climate-related capacity-building.





The Capacity-building Day in the 3rd Capacity-building Hub is a platform that brings together different stakeholders, and sheds light on innovative solutions, inclusive processes, effective actions, and potential pathways for higher ambitions, in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The overarching objective of the Capacity-building day is to provide an opportunity for diverse communities of practice across regions to learn from successes, share knowledge and best practices, network with one another and enhance the global state of knowledge on capacity-building for climate change. 

Topics and Participating Innovators

This year’s Capacity-building Day comprises the following six sessions: 

  • The International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)’s session on “Role of Universities in Building Long-term Climate Capacities” will focus on identifying the capacity-building needs and gaps in climate-vulnerable countries, and the role of universities in bridging them. 

  • The Digital Storytellers will host the session on “Climate Storytellers: Building Capacity to tell your most powerful story for climate action” which has the objective to learn from storytellers across the world on how to find, edit and share powerful climate stories supported by strong policies through creating a common platform with activists, policymakers, scientists and storytellers. 

  • NAP Global Network Secretariat and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) will organise the session “Testing the Theory: Building Capacity for Vertical Integration of Adaptation” with the aim to discuss vertical integration, the process of creating intentional and strategic linkages between national and sub-national adaptation planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation. 

  • The session by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) and Overseas Development Institute (ODI) on “Knowledge to Action: Bridging the Science, Research, Policy and Practice Gap” is designed to discuss the use, limitations, and needs for climate information from decision-makers and policy-makers by introducing the concept of Academies of Climate Services to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and capacity building among scientists, practitioners, and policymakers in the Global South. 

  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)’s session, “The Climate Classroom at COP26: Thinking, Talking, Acting Climate” aims to build participants’ knowledge and skills in climate literacy so that the delegates, professionals, and other interested participants can follow and contribute to climate discussion by demonstrating the transformational role that can be played through climate change education and training. 

  • Hennepin County Government in its session “Leading the Future: Empowering Vulnerable Youth through Green Jobs” will showcase the “green pathways” model that builds capacity across youth from historically underserved communities, as a part of promoting and disseminating successful tools and methodologies for capacity building. 

A wider and more in-depth knowledge sharing on best practices, country experiences, and lessons learned from the experiences are crucial to building effective, efficient, and sustainable ways to build capacity. The discussions on the Capacity-build Day will help scale up and replicate successful initiatives to build a lasting impact of capacity-building efforts. The thematic day is an opportunity to connect the capacities required by developing countries with what is offered and help colleagues network and find synergies in their work. Over the years, Capacity-building Day is expected to enhance the global state of knowledge on capacity-building and help negotiators and practitioners understand and implement the best mechanisms that build long-term capacity in developing countries to achieve the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. 


CB Day Logos updated

Target Audience

The Capacity-building Day is for COP 26 attendees who are working on capacity-building or are interested in capacity-building under the Convention. 

Time Topic Organizer Speaker(s)
Opening remarks
Role of Universities in Building Long-term Climate Capacities
  • Saleemul Huq, Director (ICCCAD)
  • Mizan R Khan, Deputy Director (ICCCAD), Programme Director (ICCCAD-LUCCC)
  • David Mfitumukiza (MUCCRI, Makerere University)
  • Andy Large, Professor (New Castle University)
  • Danielle Falzon, PhD Student (Brown University)
  • Julian Williams, Lecturer (Durham University)
  • Concept Note .
  • Report Summary
Climate Storytellers: Building Capacity to Tell Your Most Powerful Story for Climate Action
CLEAR Environmental | Digital Storytellers
  • Deb Morrison, Director (CLEAR)
  • Christine Cameron, Director (CLEAR)
  • Verónica Inés Yábar, Climate Storyteller (DS)
  • Eleanor Tonks, Climate Storyteller (DS)
  • Syuen Toh, Co-founder (Alliance of the River Three)
  • Kennedy Michael, Co-founder (Alliance of the River Three)
  • Eric Havel, Environmental Education and Professional Development (Community Resources for Science)
  • Jacqueline Fetchet, Founder (Bright Sparks)
  • Salina Hussein, Co-Founder (Alliance of the River Three)
  • Raihana, Iron Snowflake (Alliance of the River Three)
  • Iffa Mazeni, Iron Snowflake (Alliance of the River Three)
  • Haji Mansor, Co-Founder (Alliance of the River Three)
  • Azmir Mustapha, Core Team (Alliance of the River Three)
  • Concept Note .
  • Presentation .
  • Report Summary
Testing the Theory: Building Capacity for Vertical Integration of Adaptation
NAP Global Network | IISD
  • Angie Dazé, Senior Policy Advisor and Lead, Gender Equality (IISD)
  • Daniel Morchain, Senior Policy Advisor, Adaptation (IISD)
  • Vositha Wijenayake, Executive Director (SLYCAN Trust, Sri Lanka)
  • Kulthoum Omari-Motsumi, Special Advisor (Africa Adaptation Initiative)
  • Rosa Morales, Director General (Climate Change and Desertification, Ministry of the Environment of Peru)
  • Concept Note .
  • Presentation .
  • Report Summary
Knowledge to Action: Bridging the Science, Research, Policy & Practice Gap
  • Mairi Dupar, Senior Technical Advisor (CDKN, ODI)
  • Mélody Braun, Senior Research Staff Associate (IRI)
  • John Furlow, Director (IRI)
  • Margaret Angula, Senior Lecturer (University of Namibia)
  • Kamal Devkota, Director (Southeast Asia Institute of Advanced Studies)
  • Rosa Morales, Director General (Climate Change and Desertification, Ministry of Environment, Government of Peru)
  • Andrea Chanove, Researcher (Peru Academics Group)
  • Concept Note .
  • Presentation .
  • Report Summary .
The Climate Classroom @ COP26: 
Thinking, Talking, Acting Climate
  • Colm Hastings, Consultant, Green Development and Climate Change (UNITAR)
  • Colin Spurway,  Country Director (BBC Media Action)
  • Concept Note .
  • Report Summary
Leading the Future: Empowering Vulnerable Youth Through Green Jobs
Hennepin County Government
  • Angie Timmons, Environmental Educator (Hennepin County)
  • Diana Chaman Salas, Climate and Resiliency Director (Hennepin County)
  • Craig Taylor, Regional Director (University of Minnesota - Extension)
  • Patience Caso, Green Partners Coordinator (Hennepin County)
  • Analyah Schlaeger dos Santos, Environmental Justice Youth Program Coordinator (MN Interfaith Power and Light)
  • Concept Note .
  • Report Summary
Wrap-up: Capacity-building Day