7th Durban Forum on Capacity-building

“Enhancing capacities for the implementation of nationally determined contributions in the context of the Paris Agreement”


Date: Thursday 3 May, (14:00 - 17:00) during the session of the Subsidiary Bodies
Venue: Conference room 'Nairobi', WCCB, Bonn, Germany


 Part 1: Presentations

 Part 2: Feedback from discussion groups


The organization of the 7th Durban Forum took into consideration the recent COP decision on the annual technical progress report of the PCCB for 2017, requesting the SBI to thematically align the next Durban Forum with the 2017–2018 focus area or theme of the PCCB, namely: ‘Capacity-building activities for the implementation of nationally determined contributions in the context of the Paris Agreement’.
In line with this, the SBI invited Parties and observers to submit, by 16 February 2018, their views on potential topics for the 7th Durban Forum on capacity-building, to be aligned with the 2017–2018 focus area or theme of the PCCB. The agenda for the meeting has been drafted taking into consideration the submissions received.

Scope and sub-topics

  • Overarching topic:
    “Enhancing capacities for the implementation of nationally determined contributions in the context of the Paris Agreement”

  • Sub-topics:
    1. Enhancing institutional, technical, relational and strategic capacities for NDC implementation
    2. Building capacities for integrating cross-cutting issues, such as gender responsiveness, human rights and indigenous peoples’ knowledge, into NDC implementation
    3. Building capacities for the tracking of and reporting on the implementation and impacts of NDC-related actions, and the finance used to support these actions


The 7th Durban Forum was guided by the following objectives:

  • To provide a platform for various stakeholders to present their experiences and lessons learned and exchange knowledge;
  • To inform related thematic discussions of the PCCB in the context of its 2018 annual focus area or theme and its 2017-2019 rolling workplan;
  • To provide important takeaways on how developing countries can strengthen their capacities to effectively implement, track and report on their NDCs, also looking at the important aspect of integrating cross-cutting issues, such as gender responsiveness, human rights or indigenous peoples’ knowledge, into these processes;
  • To provide useful insights on how providers of capacity-building can effectively support the efforts of developing countries to implement, track and report on their NDCs, while ensuring ownership of those countries in the capacity-building process.

 Draft programme outline

Welcoming and opening remarks

Mr. Emmanuel Dlamini (Swaziland)
Chair of the SBI and Chair of the Durban Forum on Capacity-building

Welcome and Introduction

Ms. Rita Mishaan (Guatemala)
Mr. Russell Miles (Australia)
Co-facilitators of the 7th Durban Forum on Capacity-building

Keynote Presentation

Presentation scope:

  • Overview and assessment of capacity-building support provided to developing countries to implement their NDCs, and
    recent coordination and collaboration efforts at global and regional level
  • Best practice examples and key lessons learned, including with regard to enhancing country ownership in the capacity-building process
  • Remaining capacity and support gaps

Ms. Yamide Dagnet
Senior Country Specialist, NDC Partnership &
Senior Associate, World Resources Institute

Presentation slides

Panel discussion

Discussion scope:

  • Developing country experience with receiving support for NDC implementation
  • Building capacities for integrating human rights, gender responsiveness and indigenous peoples’ knowledge into NDC implementation, including an assessment of existing gaps and needs.
  • Building capacities for tracking of and reporting on NDC implementation

Mr. Ari Huhtala
Senior Environmental Expert

Mr. Mahawan Karuniasa
Paris Committee on Capacity-building

Ms. Tara Shine
Special Adviser, Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice  

Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim  
Co-Chair, International Indigenous Peoples' Forum on Climate Change

Ms. Miriam Hinostroza
Head of Programme – Low Carbon Development, UNEP DTU Partnership

Guiding Questions

Breakout group 1 Breakout group 2 Breakout group 3

Enhancing institutional, technical, relational and strategic capacities for NDC implementation

Building capacities to integrate cross-cutting issues, such as gender responsiveness, human rights and indigenous peoples’ knowledge, into NDC implementation

Building capacities for the tracking of and reporting on the implementation and impacts of NDC-related actions, and the finance used to support these actions

Discussion leader
Mr. Matti Nummelin
Paris Committee on Capacity-building
Discussion leader
Mr. Benjamin Schachter
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Discussion leader
Mr. Michael Comstock
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)