Workplan - Adaptation Committee


At its 25th meeting, held in March 2024, the AC revised its flexible workplan for 2022 - 2024 to include new mandates received from CMA.5, including contributions to the implementation of the Global Goal on Adaptation. The revised workplan is available here.


At its 24th meeting, held in October 2023, the AC revised its flexible workplan for 2022 - 2024 to reflect recent new additions to its portfolio, including regional work, an enhanced dialogue with other adaptation-related constituted bodies, and work on the state of adaptation action by Parties, including a portal of interactive country profiles on adaptation action. Click here to access the revised flexible workplan.

AC 20 agreed on its flexible workplan for 2022–2024. The AC took an innovative approach to developing the flexible workplan, including by aligning the work areas more with the cycle of adaptation and focusing more on priority areas rather than specific activities. It retained flexibility to accommodate emerging priorities for 2022–2024 in the light of milestones such as the contribution of Working Group II to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, the global stocktake, and adaptation priorities communicated by Parties. The AC agreed to include the consideration of gender aspects, local communities and indigenous peoples, displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change, and innovation as cross-cutting elements throughout the workstreams.

At its 15th meeting (19-21 March 2019) the AC revised its flexible workplan, which includes tasks mandated by COP 24 and CMA1. An overview of the revised workplan can be found here.

At its 24th session, the COP welcomed the new workplan of the AC for the period 2019-2021. This flexible workplan is contained in the annex to document FCCC/SB/2018/3 and can be directly accessed here.

The COP, at its 22nd  session, welcomed the revised workplan of the Adaptation Committee for the period 2016-2018, contained in the report of the Adaptation Committee to COP 22 and can be viewed directly here.

The Adaptation Committee agreed to maintain the workplan flexible to take on emerging tasks, and  taking into consideration the 2016 review of the progress and performance of the Adaptation Committee.

The Adaptation Committee, at its ninth meeting, agreed to revise its 2016-2018 workplan to take into account the outcomes from COP21 with the overall aim of contributing to the global goal on adaptation as contained in Article 7.1 of the Paris Agreement, and the principles guiding adaptation action as contained in Art. 7.5 of the Paris Agreement.

The Adaptation Committee agreed to continue keeping its workplan flexible in order to accommodate next steps and time lines it is currently developing to implement the new mandates from the Paris Agreement.

The COP, at its 21st session, welcomed the workplan of the Adaptation Committee for the period 2016-2018. The workplan is contained in the report of the Adaptation Committee to COP 21 and can be viewed directly here.

The Adaptation Committee agreed to maintain the workplan flexible to take on new and emerging tasks, including those resulting from the Paris Agreement and the 2016 review of the progress and performance of the Adaptation Committee.

The COP, at its 17th session, requested the Adaptation Committee to develop during its first year a three-year workplan, which should include milestones, activities, deliverables and resource requirements, in accordance with its agreed functions, employing the modalities listed in paragraph 94 of the same decision and considering the indicative list of a activities included in the annex V, for approval by the COP at its 18th session.

In response to this request, the Adaptation Committee elaborated a three-year workplan, which was adopted by the COP as agreed. 

Three year workplan of the Adaptation Committee

In response to a request made at COP 18, the Adaptation Committee further elaborated the work referred to in activities 7, 8, 11, 17 and 19 of its workplan. The elaboration was guided by the Adaptation Committee's desire to enhance coherence and synergy and to ensure that activities are not undertaken in isolation but instead build on each other as part of a larger workstream.

The Adaptation Committee identified the following three workstreams to organize those activities in a coherent way:

  • A workstream on technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action;
  • A workstream on technical support and guidance to the Parties on means of implementation;
  • A workstream on awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information.

Elaboration of activities included in the three-year workplan (contained in document FCCC/SB/2013/2, annex II)

This elaboration of activities reflected a revised and more coherent manner in which the Adaptation Committee implemented its activities from the third quarter of 2013 until the fourth quarter of 2015.

It incorporated new activities on means of implementation and adjusted timing of some activities.