Focal Point Forums - Nairobi work programme


The Nairobi work programme (NWP), a knowledge-to-action hub for adaptation and resilience, supports the curation, co-production and exchange of knowledge. It also convenes partnerships for learning and collaboration on all aspects of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.

The NWP also articulates and responds to knowledge needs identified by Parties and constituted bodies, in particular developing countries, including Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States using an interactive and progressive step-by-step knowledge-to-action approach.

The Focal Point Forum is one of the iterative steps in the knowledge-to-action approach with the following objectives:

Evolution of the Focal Point Forum

The Focal Point Forum was initially mandated by the SBSTA at its 28thsession (2008)  for the secretariat to regularly organize focal point forums with representatives from interested Parties during the sessions of the Conference of Parties (COP).

Since its inception, the modality of the Focal Point Forum has evolved in its format, focus and participation through an iterative process of learning and improvement.

Outcomes of the Focal Point Forums

Focal Point Forums have provided an interactive space among national governments, partner organizations and thematic experts to:

  • Facilitate exchange of views on specific thematic areas, knowledge needs and recommendations on actions needed at different levels of governance.
  • Enhance the engagement of experts and expert organizations, including those from developing countries and those working on national adaptation plans.
  • Facilitate collaboration among partners, Parties and other relevant organizations, which could contribute to translating the key findings and gaps identified in the activities undertaken under the NWP into concrete adaptation actions. 

Other modalities in the context of the NWP

In addition to the Focal Point Forums, the NWP also uses other interactive modalities as a part of the knowledge-to-action approach in context of the thematic areas as well as the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative. These include expert meetings, technical workshops, sessions during relevant events and meetings organized by the UNFCCC secretariat, Parties and partners (such as NAP Expo). Please check relevant thematic pages and LAKI page for further details. 
