Portal on cooperative initiatives

Portal on cooperative initiatives

The portal on cooperative initiatives presents information on cooperative climate actions undertaken around the world at various levels by governments, international organizations, civil society, and business that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Initiatives Database

About the Portal



Communication of new initiatives and feedback

Further examples of Climate Actions

Momentum for Change

Nairobi Work Programme

Climate Change Information Network

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About the Portal

This portal presents information on cooperative initiatives undertaken around the world at various levels by governments, international organizations, civil society, and business that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The main feature of this portal is a database which presents information on the objectives, thematic focus, regional scope, participation, concrete activities, and potential benefits of the wide range of cooperative initiatives brought to the attention of the secretariat through submissions.

The purpose of the Portal is to provide an information basis for enhanced understanding of the initiatives, and to facilitate interaction between different initiatives, thus serving as a platform for exchange of information and for creating new cooperative interactions. The information contained in the Portal complements the information contained in the second version of the technical paper on mitigation benefits of actions, initiatives and options to enhance mitigation ambition (FCCC/TP/2013/8 , FCCC/TP/2013/8/Add.1 , FCCC/TP/2013/8/Add.2).


Additional information on cooperative initiatives:

- Second version of the technical paper on mitigation benefits of actions, initiatives and options to enhance mitigation ambition (FCCC/TP/2013/8 , FCCC/TP/2013/8/Add.1 , FCCC/TP/2013/8/Add.2).
- First version of the technical paper on mitigation benefits of actions, initiatives and options to enhance mitigation ambition (FCCC/TP/2013/4)
- Workshops under the ADP

Communication of new initiatives and feedback

The secretariat welcomes communications of new cooperative initiatives with clear and demonstrable objectives to reduce emissions, as well as additional information on the existing initiatives, for consideration for inclusion in the cooperative initiatives database. Such information can be communicated to secretariat@unfccc.int. The secretariat also welcomes feedback on the scope, substance, and design of the portal on cooperative initiatives. Please submit your feedback to the above email address.
