IV Workshop on pre-2020 ambition: urbanization and the role of governments in facilitating climate action in cities
14 Nov. 2013
17:00h - 20:00h
Warsaw, Poland
IV Workshop on pre-2020 ambition: urbanization and the role of governments in facilitating climate action in cities
14 Nov. 2013
17:00h - 20:00h
Warsaw, Poland

This workshop was organized as a part of series of ADP workshops in 2013, including those on low-emission development opportunities, on mitigation and adaptation opportunities related to land use and on energy transformation, including scaling-up renewable energy, enhancing energy efficiency and consideration of carbon capture and storage.

 Workshop agenda
ImageView webcast

New! Summary report on the workshop on pre-2020 ambition: urbanization and the role of governments in facilitating climate action in cities  ADP.2013.18.InformalSummary

The workshop facilitated sharing of experiences on implementation of policies that national governments are putting in place to incentivize climate change actions in two urbanization related thematic areas of transport and buildings, including examples of complementary policies and
actions of national, regional/state and local governments. Workshop also heard about international cooperative initiatives, including efforts of private sector and civil society, in supporting different levels
of government in implementation of measures in transport and building thematic areas.

H.E. Mr. Burhan Gafoor, Singapore's Ambassador and Chief Negotiator for Climate Change, facilitated the workshop.


Raising Global level of ambition through Local climate action - Mr. Yunus Arikan, Head of Global Policy and Advocacy, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) - Local Governments for Sustainability

14 Nov 2013

Urbanization and the role of governments in facilitating climate action in cities - Ms. Karin Kemper, Director for Climate Change, World Bank

14 Nov 2013

The need for sustainable, low carbon transport policies to accelerate sustainable development - Mr. Cornie Huizenga, Co-Convener, Partnership on sustainable low carbon transport

14 Nov 2013

Urbanization and the role of Government in facilitating action in cities: Migration potential in the building sector - Mr. Mohamed El-Soufi, Coordinator, Global Housing Strategy, UN Habitat

14 Nov 2013

The workshop was concluded with a brief summary by the facilitator
Take home messages from the Facilitator