Дата Время Заголовок Type of Event Room/Venue
вс, 01/11/2020 Enabling transparency in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector: Enhancing Data Collection and Institutional Arrangements Regional events
вс, 01/11/2020 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Support Constituted Body meetings and events
вс, 01/11/2020 High-level or expert event on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) High level, ministerial or head of state events
вс, 01/11/2020 Latin America and Caribbean Regional Virtual Designated National Authorities (DNA) Forum 2020 Regional events
вс, 01/11/2020 UK Year of Climate Action Relaunch Global Climate Action events
вс, 01/11/2020 Paris Agreement training for LDCs Regional group events
пн, 05/10/2020 - вт, 06/10/2020 22nd Registry Systems Administrator Forum (RSAF22)
пт, 02/10/2020 Gender training for Katowice Committee of Experts Constituted Body meetings and events
чт, 01/10/2020 - пт, 02/10/2020 Sport Positive Summit Global Climate Action events TBC
чт, 01/10/2020 Virtual Workshop for Designated National Authorities (DNA) | 4th episode (topic tbc) Regional events
чт, 01/10/2020 Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A) Education and training, public participation and youth to enhance adaptation action: wrapping up and summary of the 2020 Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A) Constituted Body meetings and events
чт, 01/10/2020 Regional Collaboration Centres Global Forum Regional events
чт, 01/10/2020 Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) Middle East and North Africa (MENA) technical expert meeting Regional events
чт, 01/10/2020 Green Economy and the role of the private sector in the context of post pandemic recovery: how can young people contribute and ensure full inclusion Regional events
чт, 01/10/2020 African Regional Virtual Designated National Authorities (DNA) Forum 2020 Regional events
чт, 01/10/2020 Pacific Regional Resilience Dialogue Global Climate Action events, Regional events
чт, 01/10/2020 15:00 - 16:30 Webinar: Capacity-building for recovering better together; Supporting NDC implementation and enhancement Constituted Body meetings and events
чт, 01/10/2020 Post-Executive Board 107th virtual meeting with Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) Constituted Body meetings and events
вт, 01/09/2020 National Adaptation Plans (NAP) Technical Working Group meeting Constituted Body meetings and events
вт, 01/09/2020 Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) Webinar on “Synergies at national level in data collection for reporting under MRV/ETF, SDGs and other international instruments for the APEE region” Constituted Body meetings and events, Regional events
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