Kazakhstan's multilateral assessment

The aim of the session is to assess Kazakhstan's progress in implementation towards the achievement of emission reductions and removals related to its quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets for 2020.



Documents available before MA session Questions and answers Documents available after MA session

Fifth biennial report and
eighth national communication (BR5/NC8), BR-CTF 

Technical review report

National GHG inventory submission and report

Questions and answers

SBI summary report


Documents available before MA session Questions and answers Documents available after MA session

Fourth biennial report (BR4) and
technical review report (TRR4)

National GHG inventory submission and
report (ARR)

Questions and answers (published 1 Nov. 2021)

SBI summary report

Presentation pdf

Pre-recorded presentation

Responses of Kazakhstan to raised questions during the SBI MA session 


Broadcast of the MA session
(Kazakhstan's MA starts at 00:18:50)

Documents available before MA session Questions and answers Documents available after MA session

Third biennial report (BR3) and technical review report (TRR3)

Seventh national communication (NC7) and review report (IDR7)

National GHG inventory submission and report (ARR)

Questions and answers

SBI summary report


Broadcast MA session of Kazakhstan starts at: 02:34:30 
Documents available before MA session Questions and answers Documents available after MA session

Second biennial report ( BR2) and technical review report (TRR2)

National GHG inventory submission and report (ARR)

Questions and answers

SBI summary report


    Broadcast of the session


Documents available before MA session Questions and answers Documents available after MA session

First biennial report ( BR) Russian,  BR English (unofficial translation) and technical review report (TRR)

Sixth national communication ( NC) and review report (IDR)

National GHG inventory submission (NIRNIR unofficial English versionCRF), and report (ARR)

Questions and answers

SBI summary report

Presentation by Kazakhstan



Kazakhstan’s emission reduction target

Kazakhstan communicated a target of a 15 per cent emission reduction by 2020 compared with 1990 levels.

Quantified economy-wide emission
reduction targets for 2020
Base year
CH4 and N2O)
Base year
PFCs and SF6)
Base year (NF3)
LULUCF included
and accounting approach used         
Market-based mechanisms under
the Convention
15% (unconditional) relative to 1990

Source: Kazakhstan’s latest submission to update its base year is contained in document FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/MISC.1
