Special event
High-Level Ministerial Events at SB 40
05 - 06 Jun. 2014
Bonn, Germany
Special event
High-Level Ministerial Events at SB 40
05 - 06 Jun. 2014
Bonn, Germany
High-Level Ministerial Engagement at the June Sessions

The COP 19/CMP 9 President, H. E. Mr. Marcin Korolec and President designate of COP 20 / CMP 10, H. E. Mr. Manuel Pulgar Vidal, co-chaired two in-session high-level ministerial events in conjunction with the sessions of the Subsidiary bodies and the ADP in Bonn, Germany. Both high-level events were open to all Parties and observer States.

Friday 6 June
High-level ministerial dialogue on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action

The ministerial roundtable on 6 June focused on issues related to mitigation before 2020, as well as on key issues related to the universal climate agreement, which is set to be agreed in Paris in 2015.

Throughout the day, Ministers and senior Party representatives had a rich exchange and made interventions that aimed to guide work on increasing ambition before 2020 and next steps on the road to Paris.

In that context, Ministers stressed the need to take the latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into account, which confirm the need for high global mitigation ambition. Many expressed that the level of ambition before 2020 urgently needs to be increased. Countries also concurred that a new agreement in Paris must follow scientific findings to ensure adequacy of global action.

Many Ministers and high-level officials stated that the Paris agreement needs to be applicable to all countries, be based on ambitious nationally determined contributions, and cover adaptation, finance, technology and capacity-building. Many suggested that contributions should cover diverse actions, including mitigation as well as adaptation and financial actions.

Other points made during the exchange included:

  • The 2015 agreement should be under the Convention and in line with its objectives and principles.
  • There is an urgent need to increase and secure climate finance.
  • The Kyoto Protocol could function as the basis for developing a multilateral rules-based regime which also incentivizes domestic action.
  • The preparation in Lima of the first draft negotiating text will be a crucial milestone in the process to reach the new global Agreement in 2015.

View webcast (part 1) | View webcast (part 2)

Read summary conclusions by the Co-Chairs

Thursday 5 June
High-level ministerial roundtable under the Kyoto Protocol


The ministerial roundtable on June 5 focused on high-level political issues under the Kyoto Protocol (KP), including issues related to raising the ambition of developed countries before 2020 and ratification of the Doha Amendment to the KP so that it can come into force.


Ministers and senior Party representatives made a series of interventions which included both recognition of achievements made and concerns that more is required to meet the immediate needs identified by science. It was also noted repeatedly that ratification of the KP by countries needs to speed up. There were also calls on developed countries to take the opportunity to announce increased reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol at Secretary-General BAN's climate summit in September 2014.

Other points made during the detailed discussions included:

  • The experience and lessons learned under the KP can help increase global mitigation.
  • Kyoto Parties with commitments in Annex B who spoke confirmed they remain committed to their reduction targets and are broadly on track to meet them. A significant number of Parties reported they were already over achieving their commitments.
  • Several Parties explained how they reduced emissions and grew economies at the same time, including reaping many co-benefits, for example: clean air, better health, more employment, stronger national energy security.
  • There was a call for Annex I Parties to continue or enhance their leadership in fighting climate change. Those who have not joined or withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol were called upon to present emission reduction pledges.
  • All Parties who spoke highlighted their efforts to support the attainment of the Convention’s ultimate objective -- to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system and allow sustainable environmental and economic development.

View webcast (part 1) | View webcast (part 2)

Submissions of views and information from Parties to the CMP

View power point presentation

Read summary conclusions by the Co-Chairs