Preparing for the Enhanced Transparency Framework


The ETF under the Paris Agreement builds on the current, solid measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system under the Convention, which for developed countries is the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and the International Assessment and Review (IAR); and for developing countries is the International Consultation and Analysis (ICA). 

The final biennial reports for developed countries were due as early as the date of the annual GHG inventory submission in 2022 (i.e. 15 April 2022) but no later than 31 December 2022 and they will be multilaterally assessed to complete the final IAR cycle during 2023-2024. The final biennial update reports for developing countries are those submitted no later than 31 December 2024 and will undergo the last ICA cycle between 2024-2026.

Parties under the Paris Agreement are required to submit their first biennial transparency report (BTR1) and national inventory report, if submitted as a stand-alone report, in accordance with the MPGs, by 31 December 2024 at the latest.

Getting ready for the ETF

In view of the submission of BTR1, it is essential that Parties start preparations as soon as possible. To secure universal participation in the ETF, collaboration between Parties and a diverse group of stakeholders is needed to elevate the profile of transparency, mobilize the necessary resources for ETF implementation, and secure broad political support for and recognition of the role of transparency in the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.  In parallel, targeted capacity-building will be needed to build and advance the institutional arrangements that support implementation of the Paris Agreement, while simultaneously advancing national sustainable development priorities.

Once the ETF is fully implemented, Parties will be able to submit the mandatory information and data in the agreed formats which, in turn, will allow for the comprehensive analysis, review, comparison, and assessment of progress. This involves establishing new reporting and review systems and additional tools for data and information management.

As mandated by the CMA, the secretariat is working to develop the training programme for expert reviewers under the ETF, as well as the reporting and review tools, with a view to making the ETF infrastructure fully operation in time for the submission of BTR1. However, the full and effective operationalization of the ETF depends on the availability of sufficient financial resources. Moreover, to ensure a smooth functioning of the ETF review processes, a large pool of qualified national reviewers will be required. Interested experts are therefore strongly encouraged to complete the relevant training and exams as soon as possible in order to be ready for the first BTR review cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

For further information, please refer to a series of FAQs on the operationalization of the ETF.
