More about PAICC

Nature and Function

PAICC was established under Article 15 of the Paris Agreement as a mechanism to facilitate the implementation of and compliance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement.

PAICC features an expert-based Committee which is non-adversarial, non-punitive and transparent. It will not settle disputes or impose penalties. PAICC pays particular attention to the Parties’ respective national capabilities and circumstances.

The modalities and procedures of the Committee can be found in the decision 20/CMA.1. The rules of procedure of the Committee can be found in the decision 24/CMA.4.


How is PAICC initiated?

PAICC will initiate its engagement with Parties concerning their implementation and compliance as follows:

1. initiation by a Party on any provision of the Paris Agreement,

2. initiation by the Committee where a specified mandatory requirement of the Paris Agreement is not met,

3. initiation by the Committee, with the consent of the Party, in cases of significant and persistent inconsistencies based on the recommendations in the technical expert review report, or

4. consideration of systemic issues by the Committee or upon request of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA).


Furthermore, under the second scenario, the Committee will initiate the consideration of issues if a Party has not:

1. communicated or maintained a nationally determined contribution (NDC) under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement,

2. submitted a mandatory report or communication of information under Article 13, paragraphs 7 and 9, or Article 9, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, i.e.:

(a)    a Party has not reported its national inventory report (NIR) of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases (GHGs) (Article 13, paragraph 7(a)),

(b)    a Party has not provided the information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs (Article 13, paragraph 7(b)),

(c)    a developed country Party has not provided information on financial, technology transfer and capacity building (FTC) support provided and mobilized to developing country Parties (Article 13, paragraph 9 and Article 9, paragraph 7).

3. participated in the facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress (FMCP),

4. submitted a mandatory communication of information under Article 9, paragraph 5 of the Paris Agreement, which is mandatory for developed country Parties.


How can PAICC help parties?

In keeping with the facilitative nature of the PAICC (Article 15, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement), the PAICC helps Parties by identifying appropriate measures, findings or recommendations to facilitate Party’s implementation and compliance with the Paris Agreement. (Modalities and procedures of the PAICC, section IV, paragraph 28). 


In identifying the appropriate measures, findings and recommendations, the Committee will: 

  • be informed of the legal nature of the relevant provisions of the Paris Agreement,
  • take into account the comments provided by the Party concerned,
  • take into account, where reasonable, other relevant factors and circumstances, including expert advice and additional information provided by processes, bodies, arrangements and forums under or serving the Paris Agreement,
  • take into account other information communicated by the Party concerned as regards its challenges regarding its implementation and/or compliance with the Paris Agreement 
  • pay particular attention to the national capabilities and circumstances of the Party concerned. 
  • The special circumstances of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDC) and situations of force majeure should also be recognised. (Modalities and procedures of the PAICC, section IV, paragraphs 28 and 29).


The non-exhaustive list of measures and outputs that the Committee can take to facilitate implementation and promote compliance may include: 

  • engage in a dialogue with the Party concerned with the purpose of identifying challenges, making recommendations, and sharing information, including concerning accessing finance, technology and capacity-building support, as appropriate, 
  • assist the Party concerned in the engagement with the appropriate finance, technology and capacity-building bodies or arrangements under or serving the Paris Agreement to identify possible challenges and solutions, 
  • make recommendations to the Party about potential solutions to the identified challenges referred in the paragraph before and communicate such recommendations, with the consent of the Party, to the relevant bodies or arrangements, as appropriate, 
  • recommend developing an action plan by the Party and assisting in its development if the Party so requests, and
  • issue findings of fact only in cases where a Party has not complied with a specified mandatory requirement of the Paris Agreement.  (Modalities and procedures of the PAICC, section IV, paragraph 30)