COP 27/CMP 17/CMA 4 Ministerial and Presidency Consultations

In fulfillment of his commitment to openness, inclusivity, and transparency, H.E. Mr. Sameh Shoukry, the President of the COP 27/CMP 17/CMA 4, is using this space to share with all participants, and the wider climate change community, information on the state of negotiations in general, with a particular emphasis on the status of the informal consultations processes undertaken under the responsibility of the President.

16 November: COP 27 President's Update


Update on the Ministerial consultations

In keeping with long-standing UNFCCC tradition, the President invited pairs of Ministers to lead informal consultations on outstanding issues benefitting from political guidance. In choosing Ministers to undertake this important task, the President tried to ensure a balanced representation; not only among developed and developing countries but also gender balance.

The consultations by the Ministers will be carried out through informal meetings to allow for maximum flexibility. The Ministers may wish to issue informal documents under their own authority, should they feel this will help and they have been asked to work towards rapidly progressing on texts that reflect consensus, underlining that the mode and pace of work must push work forward.

Our common objective is to adopt consensus decisions and conclusions on Friday that will constitute the comprehensive, ambitious, and balanced outcome of the Sharm El-Sheikh conference.

Week 2 COP 27 / CMP 17 / CMA 4 Ministerial Consultations


Facilitator and secretariat support

Update and Document

Mitigation Work Programme


Her Excellency Ms. Barbara Creecy, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (South Africa), and his Excellency Mr. Dan Jørgensen Minister of Climate and Energy and Public Utilities (Denmark)

Supported by
Mr. Bernd Hackmann
Mr. Vintura Silva

19 Nov 2022

Ministerial consultations have concluded and the President has taken over:

Version: 19/11/2022 13:00 - Draft Text





Global Goal on Adaptation

Her Excellency Ms. Aminauth Shauna, Minister of Environment (Maldives) and Her Excellency Ms.Teresa Ribera, Vice-President and Minister of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Spain)

Supported by
Ms. Maryam Navi

19 Nov 2022

Ministerial consultations have concluded and the President has taken over:

Version 19/11/2022 13:00 Draft text




Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and Other Related Mechanism Issues

His Excellency Mr. Espen Barth Eide, Minister of Climate and the Environment (Norway), and Her Excellency Ms. Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment (Singapore)

Supported by 
Mr. Perumal Arumugam
Mr. Phillip Eyre

19 Nov 2022

Ministerial consultations have concluded and L Documents are being prepared.




Finance, in particular, the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance

His Excellency Mr. Bhupender Yadav, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Minister of Labour and Employment (India), and His Excellency Mr. Chris Bowen Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction (Australia)

Supported by
Mr. Yolando Velasco
Ms. Johanna Lutterfelds

19 Nov 2022

Ministerial consultations have concluded and the President has taken over:

Version: 19/11/2022 13:00 - Draft Text




Financing for Loss and Damage

Her Excellency Ms. Maisa Rojas Minister for the Environment (Chile) and Her Excellency Ms. Jennifer Morgan State Secretary, Special Envoy for International Climate Action (Germany)

Supported by
Mr. Paul Desanker
Ms. Miwa Kato

19 Nov 2022

Ministerial consultations have concluded and the President has taken over:

Version 19/11/2022 13:00 Draft Text





Update on the President’s Consultations

The opening plenaries of COP 27, CMP 17, and CMA 4, on Sunday, 6 November 2022, adopted their agendas and smoothly launched the work of the Conference. In addition, they mandated the President to undertake consultations on a number of important issues and to report back to the plenaries on the results. 

Presidency consultations


Facilitator and secretariat support

Date / Time and Meeting Room

Update and Document

Presidency consultations on decision 1/CP.27, 1/CMP.17 and 1/CMA.4

Wael Aboulmagd

Mohamed Nasr

Sergey Kononov

18 Nov

(15:00 -17:00)

in Plenary Ramses (Parties and observers)

19 November

The President released his proposal for the cover decisions early this afternoon.  


Version 19/11/2022 13:00: Draft text by the Presidency


Special needs and special circumstances of Africa

Paul Watkinson

Ina Lambert



The second meeting of the Presidency informal consultations took place on 15 November. Parties continued sharing their views on the matter, including on the Party submissions circulated. The facilitator is consulting with the Presidency on the next steps.

Written inputs received:


Implementation of decisions 1/CP.26, para 11 and 1/CMA.3, para 18 on adaptation finance

Archie Young

Debapriya Roy



The Presidency informal bilateral consultations with Parties were held on 12 and 14 November 2022. Parties shared their views and proposals on the item. Information on next steps will be made available shortly.

Equitable geographical representation in constituted bodies under the Convention

Anne Rasmussen

Nattley Williams

15 Nov 2022


MR 13

At the second informal consultations convened on Tuesday, 15 November 2022, a representative of Georgia provided further information on the proposal and their proposed draft decision for adoption by the COP.  There were diverging views on this matter.  Some Parties expressed sympathy for the proposal.  Some Parties noted that arrangements have been agreed with regard to the Technology Executive Committee.  Some Parties informed that they do not support the proposal or the draft decision proposed by Georgia and proposed that discussions be concluded immediately.  The Chair informed that she would update the President that there was no consensus on a way forward.


Matters relating to Art.2.1(c) of the PA

Archie Young

Padraig Oliver



The Presidency informal bilateral consultations with Parties were held on 12 and 14 November 2022. Parties shared their views and proposals on the item. Information on next steps will be made available shortly.

7th Review of the Financial Mechanism under the CMA

Paul Watkinson

Yolando Velasco


During the informal consultations on 14 November, Parties were unable to reach an agreement on the inclusion of the proposed agenda item.

Limiting global warming to 1.5C

Wael Aboulmagd

Mohamed Nasr

Bernd Hackmann



During the informal consultations on 14 November, Parties were unable to reach an agreement on the inclusion of the proposed agenda item.



Presidency consultations under established agenda items


Facilitator and secretariat support

Date / Time and Meeting Room

Update and Document

COP 27 item 2(b) Rules of Procedure

Mirande Goubran

Gianluca Crispi

No further meetings planned

Parties could not reach a conclusion on this matter in the meeting on 12 November.

COP 27 item 2(g) Dates and venues of future sessions

Mirande Goubran

Karen Smith

  The facilitator has reached out to interested Groups and remains available for further bilateral consultations with any Parties or Groups who express interest.

COP 27 item 17(c) Decision-making in the UNFCCC process

Mirande Goubran

Gianluca Crispi

No further meetings planned

Agreement to forward the following procedural conclusions to the COP President: “On a proposal by the President, the COP agreed to continue consideration of this item at its twenty-eighth session.”

COP 27 item 7 and CMA 4 item 7 Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

Amr Essam

Miwa Kato

No further meetings planned

During the presidency’s informal consultations on 14 November Parties agreed to defer the consideration of the WIM governance to future sessions of the COP, and for the COP decision to endorse the CMA decision on the WIM following the example from Glasgow. This outcome will be reflected in the draft decision text on the WIM ExCom report and the Santiago Network.

CMP 6 Matters relating to Joint Implementation

Wael Keshk

Perumal Arumugam



CMP 11 Report on the high-level ministerial round table on increased ambition of Kyoto Protocol commitments.

Amr Osama

Bernd Hackmann

No further meetings planned

Parties could not reach a conclusion on this matter in the meeting on 12 November.
