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La COP 27, Conférence des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques 2022
6 nov - 20 nov
À propos de la conférence
Les pays se réunissent pour la COP 27, afin de prendre des mesures pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques collectifs du monde, comme convenu dans l'Accord de Paris et par la Convention. Suite à la COP 26 à Glasgow l'année dernière, les nations devraient démontrer à la COP 27 qu'elles sont dans une nouvelle ère de mise en œuvre en concrétisant leurs engagements au titre de l'Accord de Paris. La conférence se déroulera du 6 au 18 novembre 2022 à Charm el-Cheikh, en Égypte. Les chefs d'État et de gouvernement participeront au sommet sur la mise en œuvre des engagements climatiques de Charm el-Cheikh les 7 et 8 novembre. Un segment de haut niveau auquel participeront principalement des ministres aura lieu du 15 au 18 novembre.
Live blog
13:46 h
Need some pointers on how to participate effectively and contribute to the UN Climate Change process?

Use this handbook if you are attending a COP for the first time. It is also useful for seasoned observers as it has key information to follow the COP 27 in a nutshell.

11:10 h
Check out the latest It's Possible Podcast from UN Climate Change

Unpacking the Climate Emergency: With the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 set to begin in just a few days, this episode of our It’s Possible podcast sets out to answer three key questions about the climate emergency: how did we get here, what does it mean and what can we do to change course?

08:45 h
New: Updated information on the Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Implementation Summit and the high-level segment

The President of Egypt, His Excellency Mr. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, has invited Heads of State and Government to participate in the Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Implementation Summit (SCIS) scheduled for Monday, 7 and Tuesday, 8 November 2022. The Secretariat has now published updates on the schedule and modalities of the Summit and its high-level segment, including the provisional list of speakers.

14:50 h
COP27 creates a unique opportunity for the world to come together

Read the letter from the incoming COP27 President to Parties and Observers.

13:20 h
Now out: COP27 calendar of transparency events

Ever wondered how reporting and review help implement the Paris Agreement? COP27 will feature the #together4transparency series of events - showcasing achievements and outlook for the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement.

15:25 h
Join the COP 27 Platform

The COP 27 platform is accessible to all registered participants of the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference. The platform allows participants to watch and join meetings according to badge type, network with other participants, and create self-service online meetings. 

15:22 h
Discover Egypt, the COP 27 host country

The Sharm el-Sheikh conference is hosted by the government of Egypt.

Browse the website to find out more about Egypt and COP 27!

15:20 h
Plan your attendance - Opening times of the pavilion spaces
Operating hours for the pavilions for the duration of the conference:

From Sunday, 6 November to Friday, 18 November: 08:00 – 22:00 hrs

Please kindly note:
Due to the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Implementation Summit, pavilion events on Monday, 7 November, will not begin before 15:00 hrs.

15:13 h
Download the conference mobile apps!

This year there are two official conference apps brought to you by UN Climate Change and the COP 27 host government Egypt.
Get the apps via the link below.

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