Work Programme on Clarification of Quantified Economy-Wide Emission Reduction Targets of Developed Country Parties

By its decision 1/CP.18, para.8, the COP decided to continue the process of clarifying the quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets (QERTs) of developed country Parties in the form of a work programme under the SBSTA. The focus of the work programme is the clarification of the targets, particularly in relation to the elements contained in 2/CP.17, para.5, with a view to:

  • Identifying common elements for measuring the progress made towards the achievement of the quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets;

  • Ensuring the comparability of efforts among developed country Parties, taking into account differences in their national circumstances.

Upcoming session

Negotiations to discuss further actions as appropriate will take place as agreed upon in the SBSTA 41 opening plenary.

Documents prepared for the session:

Quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets by developed country Parties to the Convention: assumptions, conditions, commonalities and differences in approaches and comparison of the level of emission reduction efforts. Technical paper


Previous sessions

Outcomes of SBSTA 40 include:

Draft conclusions


Informal summary of the SBSTA event on developed country Parties targets. Summary by the co-facilitators

Informal summary issued during the June 2014 session

Report on the event on quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets by developed country Parties. Note by the co-facilitators of the event


During SBSTA 40 an event was held that consisted of:

  • a technical briefing on the use of carbon credits from market-based mechanisms; and

  • a summary of the technical briefing on LULUCF held during SBSTA 39, followed by interactive discussion.


Peer Stiansen
Co-Facilitator FVA, NMA, NMM

Christina Hood
International Energy Agency

Outcomes of SBSTA 39 include:

Draft conclusions

FCCC/SBSTA/2013/L.30 and Add 1.

During SBSTA 39 an in-session technical briefing on LULUCF reporting under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol was held:


Presentation by Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Maria Sanz Sanchez

Presentation by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Nalin Srivastava

Informal summary of the technical briefing

Informal summary
