Subsidiary Body events
Technical expert meeting on practical approaches to economic diversification and transformation
18 Oct. 2021
14:00h - 16:00h
Virtual event
Virutal event
Response Measures
Subsidiary Body events
Technical expert meeting on practical approaches to economic diversification and transformation
18 Oct. 2021
14:00h - 16:00h
Virtual event
Virutal event
Response Measures

Link to join the meeting Click here to join the meeting and for the Broadcast: Join live

Summary of the discussion will be available here

1. Overview

Decision 7/CMA.1 mandates the forum on the impacts of the implementation of response measures to convene under subsidiary bodies. The adopted workplan 4/COP.25, 4/CMP.15 and 4/CMA.2 requires the forum to implement a set of activities at its each meeting using a defined modality e.g. input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizations; awareness-building and enhancing information-sharing through the exchange and sharing of experience and best practices, etc.

2. Objective

The objective of this event is to provide an informal space to experts to hold technical discussion on country driven strategies and best practices on economic diversification and transformation. Experts discussion will focus on challenges and opportunities from the implementation of low greenhouse gas emission policies and strategies towards the achievement of sustainable development and is designed to help Parties in implementation of their work plan activities in the next session of the SBSTA and SBI, ultimately, a successful COP 26 in November 2021.

3. Proposed programme

Opening remarks by SBSTA and SBI Chairs


Mr. Grzegorz Peszko,  Global Platforms, Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy, World Bank

Ms. Manal Shehabi, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Mr. Thomas Peterson, Center for Climate Strategies

Ms. Cecile Hanoune, DG CLIMA of the European Commission