Submissions - Methodological issues under the Paris Agreement on transparency

The SBSTA Chair encouraged submissions by Parties and admitted observer organizations on the below topics for further discussion on Methodological issues under the Paris Agreement on transparency.


Submissions from Parties

Party Submission date Documents
United States of America 14/10/2021

United States Transparency Submission CRT CFR Oct 2021_
Copy of US Submission Oct 2021 Tables Final

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 15/06/2021 Submission.SBSTA.NMA.figure 10-06-2021 (2)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 11/06/2021 REPORT ART 14b MULTIDIMENSIONAL GRAPH AND INDEX BOLIVIA 100621
Malaysia on behalf of MALAYSIA 10/06/2021 Malaysia_s Submission on Transparency 10th June 2021
Egypt on behalf of the Like Minded Developing Countries 08/06/2021 LMDC Transparency Informal Submission Option 2 Structured Summary
Antigua and Barbuda 27/05/2021

Annex 3 - AOSIS - Transparnecy - CTFs for Support Needed and Received - 2019-05-18
AOSIS - Transparency - Updated Submission on ETF - 2021-05-27
Annex 1 - AOSIS - Transparency - Structured Summary Table
Annex 2 - AOSIS - Transparency - CTFs for Support Provided and Mobilized - 2021-05-18

Canada 04/05/2021 Canada Transparency Submission 2021
Canada Présentation sur la transparence 2021
United States of America 30/04/2021 United States Transparency Submission 4-21 FINAL
United States Annex Tracking Progress Tables 4-21 FINAL
Egypt on behalf of Like-Minded Group of Developing Countries (LMDC) 28/04/2021 LMDC Transparency Informal Note LMDC_FINAL FOR SUBMISSION
Paraguay on behalf of AILAC Group 27/04/2021 210427 Submission AILAC CTFs of support vf
Bhutan on behalf of the Least Developed Countries 26/04/2021 LDC Group Transparency submission_FINAL. 23.04.21
Switzerland on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group 23/04/2021

EIG Submission on Methodological Issues_April 2021
Annex I - EIG Inventory tables_Waste sector_April 2021
Annex I - EIG Inventory tables_IPPU sector_April 2021
Annex I - EIG Inventory tables_LULUCF sector_April 2021
Annex I - EIG Inventory tables_Agriculture sector_April 2021
Annex II - EIG Structured Summary tables_April 2021
Annex I - EIG Inventory tables_Energy sector_April 2021

Norway 16/04/2021 Norway_submission_transparency
Norway_Annex structured summary
Japan 16/04/2021 Japan_Transparency_submission_202104
Japan_Annex_Tracking progress tables_202104
Saudi Arabia on behalf of Arab Group 15/04/2021  Arab Group Submission Transparency Voluntary Submission 2021
European Union 15/04/2021 PT-13-04-2021 EU Submission Further views on methodological issues under PA - Transparency
PT-13-04-2021 EU Reporting tables IPPU
PT-13-04-2021 EU Reporting tables Agriculture
PT-13-04-2021 EU Reporting tables Energy
PT-13-04-2021 EU Reporting tables Waste
PT-13-04-2021 EU structured summary and examples
PT-13-04-2021 EU Reporting tables LULUCF
Argentina on behalf of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay 07/04/2021 ABU Submission Transparency

New Zealand

Option for Structured summary table for NZ April submission FINAL
New Zealand SBSTA submission ghg reporting formats April 2021 FINAL



Submissions from Observer Organisations

Observer Organisations Submission date Documents
Oxfam International on behalf of Oxfam International 07/04/2021 Oxfam_submission_CTF_support_provided_SBSTA11c_6_April_2021
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on behalf of Submission made on behalf of the OECD/IEA Climate Change Expert Group. 06/04/2021 OECD IEA CCXG Submission SBSTA call on Common Reporting Tables
OECD IEA CCXG Submission SBSTA call on Structured summary


Submission by Parties

Party Submission date Submission
India on behalf of on behalf of the Like-Minded 06/12/2019 India-LMDC
Egypt 05/12/2019

Copy of AGN submission SBSTA 11 Nov 2019 Annex 2 tables for support needed and recieved
Copy of AGN Submission SBSTA 11 Nov 2019 Annex 1 tables for support provided
AGN submission SBSTA 11 Nov 2019 meth issues uunder the PA
AGN submission SBSTA 11 Nov 2019 Annex 2 tables for support needed and recieved

Belize on behalf of Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) 04/12/2019 transparencysubmission
African Group of Negotiators (AGN) 04/12/2019 AGN submission SBSTA 11 Nov 2019 meth issues uunder the PA
AGN Submission SBSTA 11 Nov 2019 Annex 1 tables for support provided
Saudi Arabia on behalf of Arab Group 03/12/2019 Arab Group Submission SBSTA 11
Japan 29/11/2019 センタリング
Switzerland on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group 20/11/2019 EIG 2019-11-18 - Annex II Tracking progress tables
EIG 2019-11-18 - Submission on Transparency
Canada 19/11/2019 Canada Transparency Submission (FR)
Canada Transparency Submission (EN)
New Zealand 01/11/2019 New_Zealand_submission_SBSTA_transparency_FINAL_November_2019
Norway 25/10/2019 transparency_submission_NORoct19
United States of America on behalf of United States 21/10/2019

US Transparency Submission 10.21.19.docx

European Union 10/10/2019 FI-10-10 EU Submission on Methodological Issues under the Paris Agreement
Guatemala on behalf of AILAC Group 30/09/2019 190927 AILAC submission on Transparency 2019 II vf
190924 Annexes B and C CTFs Support AILAC vf
260919 Annex A CTF tracking progress NDCs AILAC
Belize on behalf of Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) 17/06/2019 AOSIS Transparency Submission Final
Switzerland on behalf of Environmental Integrity Group 17/06/2019 EIG Submission on Transparency
United States of America 14/06/2019 Structured Summary Tables - Supplemental Submission by the United States
Brazil on behalf of Argentina-Brazil-Uruguay (ABU) 13/06/2019 20190613 ABU_Submission_SBSTA50 V3
Indonesia 13/06/2019 2 - Indonesia Submission on TF for SBs50 FINAL
European Union 12/06/2019 RO-06-12 EU submission on transparency - supplement
RO-06-12 EU submission on Transparency - supplement Annex3
Costa Rica on behalf of AILAC Group. 16/05/2019 190514 AILAC submission on CTF, outlines and training program Transparency Vf

South Africa on behalf of South Africa

09/05/2019 Submission by South Africa on Transparency
Bhutan on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) 06/05/2019 LDC Submission Transparency
United States of America on behalf of United States of America 16/04/2019 United States Submission on Art 13 Work Program.docx
Norway 11/04/2019 Norway_transparency_april2019
China 09/04/2019 New_Zealand_SBSTA_submission_reporting_formats_April_2019_FINAL_02_04_2019
European Union 01/04/2019 RO-04-01 EU submission on Transparency


Submission by Observer Organisations

Observer Organisation Submission date Submissions
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) 25/11/2019 Art 13 CTF_IGES submission_final2

