Side events and exhibits at COP 25

The COP 25 side events and exhibits schedules were published on 15 November 2019 and can be viewed via the following links:

Side events 



Update on side events and exhibits at COP 25 (07 November 2019): 

The secretariat is currently assessing the venue layouts for the feasibility to deliver the full scope of side events as planned, based on the space and facilities available. We aim to deliver the full scope of side events and exhibits.

To support the process of allocation of side events at the new venue, the secretariat kindly requests that all applicants who submitted requests for organizing side events and exhibits at COP 25 confirm whether they would be able to hold their side event and/or exhibit considering the change of location of COP25. The list of selected side events and exhibits is available here: . At present all other applications received have been wait listed, however, we request all applicants, including the applications not listed above to please confirm if they would be able to conduct the event/exhibit in Madrid.

Please note that the UN System and Specialized agency events are coordinated through our dedicated focal point and would be confirmed separately via email, hence they are not listed in the link above.

Applicants (Leads, in case of merged events) are kindly requested to provide confirmation that they intend to conduct their event via SEORS by Wednesday 13 November 2019, 23:59 CET. This will help the secretariat to accommodate the already submitted requests for side events more effectively before the publication of the final list of events.

Please note that, in order to help us proceed with the timely implementation of side events and exhibits in Madrid, applications that have not provided confirmation by the deadline will be placed on the wait list of applications for side events and exhibits.



The application period for side events and exhibits concluded on 24 September 2019. Applicants who missed the application window may still apply to the waiting list via the Side Events and Exhibits Online Registration System (SEORS).

For information purposes, a breakdown of the application period is provided below (all deadlines were at COB, 17:00 CEST):

Registration: 02 - 10 September 2019

Authorisation: Throughout registration period and until 20 September 2019

Consolidation and merging: 11 - 24 September 2019


Side events and exhibits organisers' handbooks

Side events handbook

Exhibits handbook


New information on exhibits

The secretariat will pilot a new streamlined approach for the organisation and hosting of exhibits at COP 25. Based on on-site observations of exhibits from past COPs, the secretariat is seeking to encourage focused utilisation of exhibit spaces and increase capacity through the allocation of rotating two-day exhibition slots per organisation. The new approach will result in each selected organisation receiving a two-day slot to display their exhibits and is expected to promote a more dynamic exhibit space. Applicants should therefore be aware that when registering on SEORS for COP 25, it will be necessary to select the preferred two-day window in which they would like to host an exhibit.



All side events will be live webcast and available to view on demand at the side events webcast page.


Official side events

Official side events are a platform for admitted observer organizations, which have limited speaking opportunities in the formal negotiations, to engage with Parties and other participants for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking and exploring actionable options for meeting the climate challenge.

UN agencies, admitted observer organizations and those Parties that partner with observers present their work or foster discussions on key issues, often engaging the audience in a Q&A session.

As introduced after the adoption of the Paris Agreement, official side events are organized under the common theme “Accelerating implementation of the Paris Agreement“ and will be categorized under the three categories:

1. Enhancing ambition:
pre-2020 action; any issues that help increase ambition.
2. Promoting implementation:
methodologies, showcasing of climate action, global stocktake, etc.
3. Providing support to developing countries:
means of implementation, replicable tools and approaches.

Each side event is categorized in line with its main focus and color-coded accordingly on the side events web schedule.


Official exhibits

Exhibits serve as a platform for observer organizations and Parties to highlight diverse climate change issues at UNFCCC conferences and provide a meeting point for participants. They cover a wide variety of topics and are loosely clustered by thematic groups. The secretariat is currently in the process of exploring new ways to enhance the effectiveness of exhibitor engagement at UNFCCC conferences. Further information on the exhibit process and format at COP 25 will be provided in due course. 


Outside events

Besides the official side events and other events coordinated by the UNFCCC secretariat, Parties and observer organizations organize their own events relating to the climate change negotiation process outside the conference premises. Information on such events and activities is announced below on a request basis.


Climate Action Studio

The Climate Action Studio is a platform for showcasing action of non-Party stakeholders in the climate change process. The studio operates during COPs and subsidiary body sessions by invitation, providing a space to highlight that action through interviews with nominated Parties and observers admitted to the UNFCCC process around specific themes linked to the negotiation process. The interviews are available for viewing at the Climate Action Studio YouTube channel.
