Constituted Body meetings and events
NAP Expo 2014
08 - 09 Aug. 2014
09:00h - 19:00h
Bonn, Germany
Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn
Constituted Body meetings and events
NAP Expo 2014
08 - 09 Aug. 2014
09:00h - 19:00h
Bonn, Germany
Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn


Date: 8-9 August 2014

Venue: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn, Germany.

This is the second NAP Expo. Based on the very positive feedback received at the first NAP Expo, which took place on 11 June 2013, the LEG concluded that the NAP Expo was successful in delivering its intended objectives. Thus, in response to requests from LDC Parties, the LEG decided to include a similar event in its work programme for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.  This was included in the report on the twenty-third, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth meetings of the LEG. In addition, SBI 40 (237 kB) invited the LEG and the Adaptation Committee to explore ways in which developing country Parties that are not LDCs can be accommodated in the NAP Expo.


The objectives of the NAP Expo are to:

  • Serve as a platform for NAP teams, organizations, agencies and other stakeholders to exchange experience, lessons learned and ideas on the NAP process;

  • Promote and mobilize action and support for the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans;

  • Share technical knowledge, including on methods, data and tools;

  • Identify gaps and needs for effective implementation of NAP processes, to further inform the LEG and other bodies and organizations in their support and guidance to these processes.


 Day 1: 8 August 2014

 Opening – Chair: Batu Uprety, Chair of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

Opening: (93 kB) Batu Uprety

Keynote: Youssef Nassef, Coordinator, UNFCCC. Adaptation under the UNFCCC (286 kB)

Keynote: Thinley Namgyel, Member of the LEG. Introduction to the NAP process and the NAP Expo(151 kB)

Keynote: Prakash Mathema, LDC Group Chair, Nepal. Evolution of adaptation needs and gaps for LDCs under the UNFCCC (827 kB)

 Session I. Plenary: Setting the scene

Keynote: Anand Patwardhan, GEF/STAP. University of Maryland. Adaptation in the development context
(728 kB)
Keynote: Benjamin Preston, ORNL/IPCC. Assessing and managing climate change risk (2717 kB)

 Session II. Plenary: Building capacity for the NAP process

Keynote: Hassan Virji, START. Twenty years of experience with scientific capacity-building through research in developing countries
(7082 kB)
Keynote: Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, UNDP. Experience with integrating climate change into national development planning (3158 kB)

 Session III. Parallel thematic sessions on the NAP process

 I. Experiences, key lessons, and gaps and needs as countries embark on the NAP process.Moderated by Madelene Diouf Sarr, Senegal 

• Binita Bhattarai & Ananda Raj Pokharel, Nepal. Experience with local adaptation plans (1445 kB)
• Julie Amoroso, Philippines. Gender considerations in the NAP process (2789 kB)
• Heng Chan Thoeun, Cambodia. A road map for the NAP process in Cambodia (231 kB)
• Alejandra Martinez, Peru. Capacity needs from a non-LDC (3468 kB)
• Sato Ichiro, Japan. JICA support for climate change adaptation in Indonesia (1423 kB)

II. Multiple stakeholder dialogue: Effective institutional arrangements for NAP formulation and implementation. Moderated by Aarjan Dixit, CARE International

• Fredrick Kossam, Malawi. Experiences in initiating multi stakeholder engagement for the NAP process in Malawi (540 kB)
• M. Bamali, Togo. Experience with launching the NAP process in Togo (3584 kB)
• Mariana Rojas-Laserna, Colombia. Pilot adaptation projects in Colombia (1728 kB)
• Vositha Wijenayake (CANSA/Southern Voices). Effective engagement of civil society in the NAP process (437 kB)
• John Furlow, USA. USAID support for adaptation planning (9101 kB)

III. Framing adaptation plans: pros and cons of integrated, sectoral, regional approaches. Moderated by Thinley Namgyel, LEG member, Bhutan

• Brian Phillips, Vanuatu. Pathways for integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk management
• Ephraim Shitima, Zambia. Experiences in framing adaptation from PPCR activities in Zambia(2677 kB)
• Kirsi Mäkinen, Finland. Experience with the Finnish national adaptation strategy (592 kB)
• Andreas Vetter, Germany. Experience and lessons in integration from the German Adaptation Strategy
(1579 kB)
IV. Science policy interaction aiming for effective decision making. Where do we stand and what is needed? Moderated by Jan Verhagen, LEG member, Netherlands

• Mosuoe Letuma, Lesotho. Capacity development plan for adaptation to climate variability and change
  in Lesotho – strengthening policy and regulatory frameworks
 (881 kB)
• Karen Silverwood-Cope, Brazil. Brazil’s strategy for the NAP
• Maxx Dilley, WMO. Effective use of climate information in supporting adaptation planning (1314 kB)
• Nand Kishor Agrawl, ICIMOD. Experiences from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region (5029 kB)

 Session IV: Plenary: Report back and discussion

• Summary of issues raised from each track of Session III by moderators

• Open discussion

 Day 2: 9 August 2014

 Session V. Plenary panel session on selected topics

 Integrated approaches to planning and implementation of adaptation

• Jan Verhagen, Wageningen University/LEG member. Agriculture (3031 kB)
• Andrew Takawira, GWP. Water resources (1795 kB)
• Saleemul Huq, ICCCAD/PROVIA/IIED. Addressing needs of local communities (Audio)
• Ian Noble, Independent Expert: Key lessons from the PPCR and GFDDR approaches of the World Bank (3242 kB)
• Juan Hoffmaister, Adaptation Committee: Monitoring and evaluation (119 kB)

 Session VI. Parallel discussion groups on supporting the NAP process

 I. Donor roundtable on experiences and lessons in supporting adaptation in developing countries. Moderated by John Furlow, USA and Karla Juranek, Australia

II. Building readiness for the GCFModerated by Ian Noble, Independent Expert & Balgis Osman-Elasha (607 kB) , AfDB

III. Support programmes for implementation. Moderated by Ermira Fida (1562 kB) , UNEP and Till Below (505 kB) , GIZ

IV. Accessing GEF support for adaptationModerated by Roland Sundstrom (18469 kB) , GEF Secretariat and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, UNDP

V. Discussion on what did not work well in past adaptation efforts. Moderated by Saleemul Huq, ICCCAD/IIED/PROVIA

  Session VII. Parallel interactive sessions to share technical knowledge and discuss regional issues

I. Decision-making in managing climate risks. Moderated by Benjamin Preston, ORNL/IPCC and Maxx Dilley, WMO

• What are essential variables and metrics to support adaptation decision-making?

II. Monitoring and evaluation. Moderated by Timo Leiter, GIZ and Juan Hoffmaister, Adaptation Committee

• What are principles and approaches for effective and practical M&E under the NAP process?

III. Addressing adaptation in mountainous regions. Moderated by Karma Toeb, Bhutan and Christian Huggel (2650 kB) , Switzerland/IPCC

• What are best practices in addressing common vulnerabilities in mountainous regions? How achieve effective collaborate at the regional level such as in mountainous regions?

IV. Setting up national climate funds and budget codes. Moderated by Drissa Doumbia (170 kB) , Mali and Julia Azambuja (4556 kB) , Mozambique

• What are key steps in setting up national funds and budget codes? What are main lessons to be shared?

 Session VIII. Plenary talk on integrated approaches to managing risk

Keynote: Donald Wilhite, Univ of Lincoln, NE, USA. Integrated national drought management: a proposal for global application (10984 kB)

 Session IX: Plenary report back from thematic rapporteurs

Reports from rapporteurs of sessions VI and VII 

  Closure:  Batu Uprety, Chair of the LEG

 H. E. Mr. Kare Chawicha Debessa, State Minister, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Ethiopia. Reflections on the NAP Expo (83 kB)

Closing (92 kB) : Batu Uprety, Chair of the LEG