Technical workshop on ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change
21 - 23 Mar. 2013
09:00h - 17:00h
Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania
Dar es Salaam
Technical workshop on ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change
21 - 23 Mar. 2013
09:00h - 17:00h
Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania
Dar es Salaam

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
21-23 March 2013


The COP at its seventeenth session (Decision 6/CP.17) requested the secretariat to organize a technical workshop on ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change, in collaboration with Nairobi work programme partner organizations and other relevant organizations, before the thirty-eighth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice.

The workshop took into account the role of ecosystems, including forests, in adaptation; vulnerability and impacts in ecosystems; the implementation and benefits of ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation; and lessons learned, including through the three Rio Conventions.

The workshop was informed by:

  • Compilation of information on ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation(FCCC/SBSTA/2011/INF.8)
  • Information contained in Annex I to the report of the SBSTA on its thirty-fourth session(FCCC/SBSTA/2011/2) and subsequent views of Parties.

The workshop included indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation and gender-sensitive tools and approaches as cross-cutting issues.

Information for participants

Agenda (128 kB)
Logistical Information
Report of the workshop

Mr. Richard Kinley, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary (115 kB)

Session 1 - Framing session
Session 2 - Principles and benefits of ecosystem-based approaches (EbA)

Presenter, Party and/or Organization


Ms. Rojina Manandhar, UNFCCC

Background of the Nairobi work programme and context of the workshop (674 kB)

Mr. Christopher Magadza,

Understanding vulnerability, impacts and risks of climate change on ecosystems (4422 kB)

Ms. Musonda Mumba,

A brief EbA background of the EbA Journey (1235 kB)

Mr. Richard Kangalawe,

National perspectives on ecosystem-based approaches (EbA): A case of Tanzania (400 kB)

Session 3 - Planning and practices of EbA in adaptation policies and programmes

Presenter, Party and/or Organization


Mr. Ian Noble (GAIN)
on behalf of
Ms. Habiba Gitay,
World Bank

Essential component of climate resilient development (1467 kB)

Session 4 - Methodological, technical and scientific aspects of EbA

Presenter, Party and/or Organization  


Ms. Mandy Barnett,
South Africa

Integration of EbA into national (adaptation) planning and programmes in South Africa (850 kB)

Ms. Karen O. Silverwood-Cope,

The brazilian national adaptation planning process (180 kB)

Ms. Shereen D'Souza,

Lessons learned from implementation of Ecosystem based Adaptation: Climate ready estuaries case study (631 kB)

Ms. Sakhile Koketson, CBD

Integration of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, ecosystem restoration and sustainable land management in EbA in the context of the Rio Conventions (457 kB)

Mr. Victor Castillo,

Integration of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, ecosystem restoration and sustainable land management in EbA in the contexts of Rio Conventions: UNCCD perspective (847 kB)

Ms. Rocio Cordoba, IUCN
Mr. Edmund Barrow, IUCN

EbA working from local to global solutions: Some lessons & experiences from IUCN (439 kB)


Summary breakout group 1: National Integration (211 kB)

Ms. Emilia PRAMOVA,

Summary breakout group 2: Rio Conventions (102 kB)

Ms. Euster KIBONA,

Summary breakout group 3: Gender and indigenous knowledge (120 kB)

Session 5 - Knowledge management and stakeholder engagement

Presenter, Party and/or Organization


Mr. Ravic Nijbroek, Conservation International
Ms. Shyla Raghav, Conservation International

Lessons Learned from Vulnerability Assessments for Ecosystem-based Adaptation for terrestrial, marine and coastal regions: The CI experience(1572 kB)

Ms. Caroline Petersen, UNDP

Tools for EBA: UNDP experience (1337 kB)

Mr. Paul Nteza,

Development of vulnerability impact assessment and its application (787 kB)

Ms. Musonda Mumba, UNEP
Mr. Robert Munroe,

EbA tools, evidence-base and gaps in knowledge and activities (397 kB)

Ms. Guadalupe Durón, STAP (GEF)

STAP perspectives and GEF guidelines on ecosystem-based adaptation(764 kB)

Conservation International

Summary breakout group 1: Coastal and marine ecosystem (211 kB)

Ms. Sarshen SCORGIE, Conservation South Africa

Summary breakout group 2: Forest, drylands, croplands/grasslands (220 kB)

Mr. Ian NOBLE,

Summary breakout group 3: Mountain and inland waters (211 kB)

Presenter, Party and/or Organization


Mr. Klaus Radunsky,

Knowledge management and stakeholder engagement in Austria and in the EU (376 kB)

Mr. Paul Donohoe,

Community & Stakeholder Engagement –EbAinitiatives in the Pacific Islands(1051 kB)

Ms. Vera Coelho,
Wetlands International

Innovative partnerships for  integrating ecosystem-based approaches in adaptation planning (844 kB)

Ms. Karen Sutherland,

Knowledge management and stakeholder engagement in climate change adaptation: CDKN's insights and lessons learned from Africa (624 kB)

Mr. Edmund Barrow, IUCN

Facilitator's summary of session 2 (206 kB)

Ms. Caroline Petersen, UNDP

Facilitator's summary of session 3 (278 kB)

Mr. Chris Gordon, PROVIA

Facilitator's summary of session 4 (255 kB)