


The logo of Action for Climate Empowerment and its six elements

在履行第四条第 1 款(i)项下的承诺时,各缔约方应:





(四) 培训科学、技术和管理人员。






Training programmes seek to spread specific practical skills that can have an immediate  practical application. Examples include the ability to gather and interpret climate data, conduct inventories of national emissions, and identify climate-friendly technologies. Training is about learning by doing – individuals, communities and organizations can all benefit from ongoing learning. 

Moreover, training initiatives have a strong multiplier effect. Strategies and projects with a strong train-the-trainer element can ensure that best practices travel fast and can be scaled up from local to national and regional levels. 

Public participation recognizes that everyone’s voices matter. By ensuring that people can participate effectively in climate change decision-making and implement climate mitigation and adaptation activities, governments should seek to integrate civil society perspectives and mobilize the general public. In some places, this will prompt profound changes to how political leaders and civil servants are accustomed to working and encourage people to be more attentive to policy-making. 

Closely related to building public awareness are many actions that ensure climate information remains transparent and accessible. Public access to information is not just about the dissemination of knowledge. This is crucial in order to develop and implement effective policies and to engage people actively in implementing these policies. Public access to information encompasses the feedback loops and mechanisms that connect decision-makers, practitioners, and those directly impacted by the adverse impacts of climate change to share their understanding and experience. 

Technologies such as databases and the internet facilitate the provision of climate information, data and statistics to all citizens. 

International cooperation and exchange can play a major role in strengthening ACE efforts.  

Strong international cooperation is required to mobilize resources, knowledge, and expertise to advance the implementation of education and public awareness, training, public participation and access to information 



💡 《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十七次缔约方会议上的气候赋权行动(ACE)

