Momentum for Change Advisory Panel


Dr. Ignacio Campino

Dr. Ignacio Campino was born in Santiago de Chile, Chile and studied Agricultural Sciences at the Catholic University of Santiago.

Dr. Campino continued his studies in Germany at the Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen where he obtained a Doctor Degree and finished his academic education with the “Habilitation”.

After holding different Executive positions in companies in the area of environmental protection, Dr. Campino joined Deutsche Telekom as the Head Office for Environmental Protection. He retired in 2012 as Representative of the Board of Management for Sustainability and Climate Change.

After his retirement he was invited and accepted a position at the Board of Directors of the DESERTEC Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of renewable energies from the deserts and arid regions of the Earth. He is a very experienced leader on climate change and on the use of renewable energy in industry and consumer sector.

Dr. Campino is Member of the German Committee of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and Head of the Working Group “Wirtschaftskompetenz” of North Rhine-Westfalia.

He has held different positions in important organisations, including Member of the Board of Trustees of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Member of the Advisory Board of WWF Germany.

Dr. Campino has received several awards during his career.