UNFCCC round-table discussion on International technology cooperation 14 November 2006
14 Nov. 2006
14:15h - 15:45h
Gigiri, Kenya
2, Plenary Conference
Plenary Conference
UNFCCC round-table discussion on International technology cooperation 14 November 2006
14 Nov. 2006
14:15h - 15:45h
Gigiri, Kenya
2, Plenary Conference
Plenary Conference

Tuesday, 14 November 2006, 13.15 - 14.45, Plenary Conference Room II, Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya

Main objectives   

  • To present a range of views from high-level representatives from governments, relevant international financial organizations and the private sector on technology cooperation activities, highlighting experiences, lessons learned, needs and concerns, drawing from existing bilateral experiences, technology cooperation initiatives, partnerships and agreements.
  • To recognize a variety of technology initiatives, complementary to ongoing UNFCCC activities, and acknowledge that these activities assist in meeting the goal of UNFCCC.
  • To discuss strategies for short-, medium- and long-term international technology cooperation and partnerships in the development, deployment, diffusion and transfer of environmentally sound technologies.



Mr. Kazuhiko Hombu, Deputy Director-General for Energy and Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan

Japan's actions on international technoloy cooperation of ESTs (552 kB)

Mr. Harland L. Watson Senior Climate Negotiator and Special Representative Department of State, United States of America

International Technology Cooperation: U.S. View (2415 kB)

Mr. Thomas Verheye DG Environment, European Commission

An European Union perspective (252 kB)

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