Work Programme of the LEG (2008-2010)


The table below presents the key priority activities of the work programme of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group for the period 2008-2010 (FCCC/SBI/2008/14). It also provides information on the main deliverables and results of this LEG mandate(FCCC/SBI/2010/26).



 Main deliverable and results

Enhance efforts to support least developed countries (LDCs) with special needs in the preparation and implementation of national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs)

Ongoing case files with regular updates on progress made by countries that are still preparing their NAPAs, with all countries in this group being actively assisted to advance in their NAPA preparation

Provide further support for NAPA preparation and implementation through the distribution of a technical paper on NAPA preparation and the development of implementation strategies

  • The technical paper was prepared and distributed to LDC Parties at the thirtieth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)

  • Provision in the reports of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) and the publication of additional information on implementation through the elaboration of some of the steps in the preparation and implementation of NAPAs

  • Provision in the LEG report to the SBI on its sixteenth meeting and LEG publications of information on the updating and revision of NAPAs, a programmatic approach and the design of implementation strategies for the full implementation of NAPAs

Prepare and disseminate a step-by-step guide for implementing NAPA

Organize training on the design of NAPA implementation strategies and the preparation of projects based on the information contained in the step-by-step guide

  • Five regional training workshops were conducted

  • A report of these workshops highlights the main issues covered by the workshop, the emerging issues identified and issues for follow-up and further consideration

Conduct a survey of LDC Parties, United Nations agencies and other relevant actors to collect information on the status of implementation of NAPAs

  • The survey was completed and results integrated into LEG reports and products, including the step-by-step guide referred to above

  • Case studies from LDC Parties on experiences in the preparation and implementation of NAPAs, including on accessing funds from the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) were also completed as a contribution to the assessment of the LDC work programme

  • The results of the survey and case studies will be integrated into the forthcoming LEG publication on lessons learned and best practice in the NAPA process

Conduct capacity-building and outreach activities as requested by Parties at the 2007 stocktaking meeting of the LEG and through surveys

Ongoing. Continuous response to requests from LDC Parties through training activities, workshops and other forms of support

Summarize key aspects of NAPAs with a view to identifying key vulnerabilities, adaptation options by sector and opportunities for regional synergy, in order to show evidence of alignment with, and integration of NAPA activities into, national development priorities and plans

  • Ongoing analysis of NAPAs and NAPA projects to identify the degree of mainstreaming

  • Outreach materials made available through the Least Developed Countries Portal described below

Conduct activities to promote synergy during implementation

  • Initiation of collaboration with the secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) for synergetic implementation of NAPAs and national action plans on sustainable land management

  • Ongoing interaction with other organizations and agencies on NAPA implementation


Catalyse action by United Nations organizations and bilateral and multilateral agencies in support of NAPA implementation and implementation of the LEG work programme

  • Ongoing collaboration with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and its agencies, including on training workshops on NAPA implementation

  • Collaboration with UNCCD and the World Health Organizations (WHO). An overview of the interaction is included in paragraphs 45-48 of document FCCC/SBI/2010/26

Raise awareness of the NAPA process with a view to advancing adaptation and encouraging effective implementation of NAPAs

  • The LDC website was expanded and renamed the Least Developed Countries portal. It includes detailed information on NAPA projects, project profiles and information on the implementation of NAPAs

  • Participation in collaborative efforts and initiatives by partners organizations, including the GEF and its agencies, UNCCD and WHO

Develop an approach paper on the collection of information for assessing the effectiveness of the NAPA programme and NAPA projects at the national and global levels

  • Information was collected based on the terms of reference endorsed by the SBI at its thirtieth session to support the assessment and review of the LDC work programme and the LDCF

  • A template for submission was developed and shared with the LDC Parties and agencies to facilitate the submission of information

Estimate the support needed to fully implement NAPAs, including costs, capacity-building, technology and institutional arrangements

An information paper was published and disseminated electronically

Respond to request by LDC Parties

Ongoing. The LEG continues to respond to requests for information and technical support from LDC Parties including through the review of draft NAPAs, and other needs

Contribute to the 10-year review of the Brussels Declaration and the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 under the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States

Ongoing. The LEG is preparing a written contribution to a preparatory meeting for the review of the implementation of the LDC work programme under the Convention

Provide input to the work of the GEF on facilitating the implementation of the remaining elements of the LDC work programme

The LEG in its report to the SBI on its seventeenth meeting, proposed options for ways in which the GEF could implement the remaining elements of the LDC work programme
