Hands planting a plant
资料来源: Axel Fassior/CICFOR

In accordance with article 4, paragraph 12 of the Paris Agreement, NDCs communicated by Parties shall be recorded in a public registry maintained by the secretariat.

NDCs are to be communicated by each Party through the respective Party national focal point for climate change.

NDCs are to be communicated by each Party through the submission interface of the NDC registry. The registry is publicly accessible, however access rights are required for Parties to communicate their NDCs and manage related documentation.

The procedure for obtaining access rights and login credentials for the registry is the same as for the UNFCCC submission portal. Please note that no new application is required for Parties that have already obtained these access rights and credentials. To request access rights and credentials, national focal points can contact the secretariat at NDCs@unfccc.int

At any time, a Party can submit revised or new documents by accessing the submission interface with its log in credentials. The registry will store different versions of the same documents.

Parties should contact the secretariat at NDCs@unfccc.int if they encounter any difficulties in communicating their NDC through the NDC registry.