Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A)

The technical examination process on adaptation (TEP-A) was established at COP 21 as part of the enhanced action prior to 2020 in the decision adopting the Paris Agreement (1/CP.21, paragraph 124, page 18). The TEP-A took place during 2016-2020 and its objective was to identify concrete opportunities for strengthening resilience, reducing vulnerabilities, and increasing the understanding and implementation of adaptation actions, including through the following four functions of the TEP-A:

  1. Facilitating the sharing of good practices, experiences and lessons learned;
  2. Promoting cooperative action on adaptation;
  3. Identifying actions, including actions that could enhance economic diversification and have mitigation co-benefits;
  4. Identifying opportunities to strengthen enabling environments and enhance the provision of support for adaptation in the context of specific policies, practices and actions.

The COP decided that the TEP-A is to be organized by the subsidiary bodies, conducted by the Adaptation Committee and supported by the secretariat. It comprised annual technical expert meetings, an annual technical paper and an annual summary for policymakers. The summary for policymakers fed into the annual high‐level event that builds on the Lima‐Paris Action Agenda and was held in conjunction with the COP until 2020.


2020 TEP-A

Topic: Education and training, public participation and youth to enhance adaptation action

For more information please click here>>

2019 TEP-A

Topic: Adaptation Finance, including the Private Sector

The 2-day TEM-A on this topic at SB 50 took place on Tuesday, 25 and Wednesday 26 June, WCCB, room Chamber Hall.

The annotated agenda will shortly be available here.

2018 TEP-A

Topic: Adaptation planning for vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems

The 2-day TEM-A on this topic at SB 48 took place on 9 and 10 May 2018 in WCCB, room Chamber Hall.

The agenda is available here.

2017 TEP-A

Topic: Integrating climate change adaptation with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction

The 2-day TEM-A on this topic at SB 46 took place on 16 and 17 May 2018 in WCCB, room Chamber Hall.

Please find here the annotated agenda (revised on 17 May 2017).

2016 TEP-A

Umbrella topic: Reducing vulnerability and mainstreaming climate change adaptation, including through the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans

As part of the TEP-A, two technical expert meetings on adaptation (TEM-As) were organized at SB 44.

The first TEM-A took place on Tuesday, 24 May, WCCB, room Chamberhall (Plenarsaal) and focused on enhancing the implementation of adaptation action with emphasis on gaps, needs, challenges, options and opportunities for implementation on the ground; means of implementation, including for the improvement of climate information services and understanding of scientific information at the national level; and good practices for reducing vulnerability

The second TEM-A took place on Wednesday, 25 May, WCCB, room Chamberhall (Plenarsaal) and focused on effective policy frameworks and institutional arrangements for adaptation planning and implementation, including for multi-level governance and monitoring and evaluation

Related Documents

Technical paper under the Technical Examination process on Adaptation

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Technical Paper. Opportunities and options for enhancing adaptation action through education and training, and public and youth participation


Technical Paper. Opportunities and options for adaptation finance, including in relation to the private sector

click >>

Technical Paper. Opportunities and options for adaptation planning for vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems

click >>

Opportunities and options for integrating climate change adaptation with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030.Technical paper by the secretariat

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Opportunities and options for integrating climate change adaptation with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030.Technical paper by the secretariat

Note: Same content as the document above but in a different format

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Opportunities and options for enhancing adaptation actions and supporting their implementation: reducing vulnerability and mainstreaming adaptation. Technical paper by the secretariat

click >>

Opportunities and options for enhancing adaptation actions and supporting their implementation: reducing vulnerability and mainstreaming adaptation. Technical paper.

Note: Same content as the document above but in a different format 


AC working group on the TEP-A  

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Email update (AC17)


Information note on the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (AC16)


Technical Examination Process on Adaptation. Concept note (AC15)

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Information note on the technical examination process on adaptation (AC14)

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Concept note on the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (AC13)

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Progress report by the Adaptation Committee’s working group on the technical examination process on adaptation

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Progress report on the work of the Adaptation Committee's working group on the Technical examination process on adaptation            

click >> 


Concept note on the technical examination process on adaptation

click >>   

