Statements | COP 16 / CMP 6
Statements during 2nd week of COP 16/CMP 6
Statement by H.E. Ms. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, COP 16/CMP 6 President on 8 December 2010
Statement by H.E. Ms. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, COP 16/CMP 6 President on 5 December 2010
Statements at the opening ceremony of COP 16 and CMP 6 in order of delivery
Mr. Mario Molina, President of the Mario Molina Centre for Strategic Studies on Energy and Environment
Mr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, Chair of the IPCC
Ms. Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC
H.E. Mr. Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, President of the United Mexican States
H.E. Ms. Lykke Friis, President of COP 15/CMP 5
H.E. Ms. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, COP 16/CMP6 President-designate
Relevant statements prior to COP 16/CMP 6
IntervenciĂłn de la Embajadora Patricia Espinosa en la sesiĂłn AWG-KP 14 & AWG-LCA 12
Address by Christiana Figueres at the Ministerial Consultation on Climate Change and the Cancun Conferences in New York on 25 September 2010
Welcoming remarks by Patricia Espinosa, Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico, at the Ministerial Consultation on Climate Change and the Cancun Conferences in New York on 25 September 2010
Statement by the "troika" of Presidents of COP/CMP on 24 September 2010
Pre-COP Ministerial meeting (held 4-5 November 2010 in Mexico City, Mexico)
Opening statement by Ms Patricia Espinosa, President-Designate of COP 16/CMP 6
Opening statement by UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres
Opening statement by Mr Juan Elvira, Minister of Environment of Mexico
Closing remarks by Ms Patricia Espinosa, President-Designate of COP 16/CMP 6
Closing remarks by UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres
Closing remarks by Mr Juan Elvira, Minister of Environment of Mexico
Statement by Ms. Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe, Chair of the AWG-LCA