Side events

Side events


Schedule of all side events at SB 42


Side events and exhibits were established as a platform for organizations, with limited speaking opportunities in the formal negotiations, to share with Parties for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking and exploring actionable options for meeting the climate challenge.

UN agencies, admitted observer organizations and selected Parties that partner with observers present their work or foster discussions on key issues, often engaging the audience in a Q&A session. Side events are 90 minutes in duration.


Registration of speakers and participants

Please note that all speakers and participants who wish to take part in an event must be duly registered through a Party or an observer organization in advance. They have to be in possession of a conference badge in order to access side event rooms.

Conference badges have to be picked up before the registration closes for the day. The confirmation of an event does not justify an increase of your delegation or extension of registration office hours. Please ensure that speakers are aware of these arrangements.

Climate Action Fair

The UNFCCC secretariat has organized a Climate Action Fair to showcase action already taking place on the ground. The Climate Action Fair consisted of a number of side events, exhibits, a dialogue series, a networking reception and the Climate Action Fair Virtual Expo.
Please find further information here.

INDC Cluster

A number of countries have already submitted their INDCs and civil society and public interest in the INDCs is growing. This has also become visible in the number of side events that focus on INDCs at the meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies in Bonn from 1- 11 June. As a result, the secretariat had decided to cluster all INDC-related side events in room Bonn III over four days on 2 – 5 June 2015. Please find here a schedule of these side events.

Other and Outside Events
Besides the official side events coordinated by the UNFCCC secretariat, Parties and observer organizations often organize their own events relating to the climate change negotiation process within different Pavilions and outside the conference premises. Some NGOs also hold media actions or publicity activities in order to raise public awareness or to communicate with delegates during the sessions. The information on such events and activities will be announced hereunder on a request basis.
If Not Us Then Who? Climate Solutions - Bonn, Sunday, 7 June 2015, 19:00-22:00, Halle Beuel
Forum Internationale Wissenschaft: Cities as laboratories against the background of climate and digital change, Sunday 7 June 2015, 18:15, Universitätsforum

Conservation International and partners' workshops on Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA):
Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation into National Adaptation Plans
Date: Sunday, June 7
Time: 9:00-12.30, with lunch to follow

Ecosystem-based Adaptation Knowledge Exchange Workshop
Date: Sunday, June 7 
Time: 14:00-17:30, with reception to follow

Venue: Hotel Collegium Leoninum, Bonn
RSVP: Please contact Stephanie Kimball at

The 6th Session of  Resilient Cities Congress will be convened at the Gustav Stresemann Institute from 8 to 10 June 2015. More detailed information is available here.