UN4NAPs at SIDS4: Charting the course towards transformational adaptation: catalysing access to finance for NAPs for SIDS

UN4NAPs is a UN-wide rapid technical backstopping initiative for National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), launched in 2021 by the UNFCCC secretariat, in response to mandates for engaging international organizations in support of climate change adaptation. It offers a platform for countries, initially for LDCs and SIDS, to communicate their needs for technical assistance on an ongoing basis. The partnership enables the UN organizations and other intergovernmental organizations to respond to technical requests identified by any country that is formulating or implementing its NAP. When receiving requests for technical assistance, the UNFCCC secretariat immediately communicates with relevant partners from a roster of currently 53 UN and intergovernmental organizations for a prompt response.

UN4NAPs side event during SIDS 4

Speaking to the theme of ‘making climate finance work for SIDS', the event will convene representatives from SIDS and relevant UN4NAPs partner organizations. Building on requests for technical assistance by SIDS, with a focus on those relating to facilitating access to finance for NAP formulation and implementation, SIDS and UN4NAPs partner representatives will develop roadmaps for support.

The side event will take place on Wednesday, 29 May 2024, from 8:00-9:30 in side event room 3.


Opening remarks by UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Mr. Simon Stiell



H.E. Minister Honourable Fekita 'Utoikamanu, Tonga

H.E. Ambassador Tania Romualdo, Cabo Verde

Mr. Mikko Ollikainen, Head of the Adaptation Fund

Dr. Ruth Kattumuri, Senior Director of Economic, Youth and Sustainable Development Directorate, Commonwealth Secretariat

Ms. Nadine Brown, Director, Sustainable Development at the Planning Institute of Jamaica

Mr. Daniel Kull, Director, Development Partnerships, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Ms. Karen Polson-Edwards, PhD, Advisor, Climate Change and Health, Climate Change and Environmental Determinants of Health Unit, Department of Social and Environmental Determinants of Health Equity (DHE/CE) (WHO)

Mr. Mohamed Khalil, Lead on Strategic Governmental Relations, Green Climate Fund (GCF)


The event is organized within the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4), which will be held from 27 to 30 May 2024 in St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda. More information is available at https://sdgs.un.org/conferences/sids2024.
