Country page - Morocco

Updated on 12 February 2024




General diagnosis of the drought situation

measures undertaken, objectives initially set, objectives achieved, challenges, good practices, socio-economic and environmental impacts, etc.

Research and innovation

Strategies for universities and research centers to collaborate with Moroccan institutions to conduct research on topics such as adaptation to climate change, water use efficiency, and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices.

Identification of innovative technologies like rainwater harvesting systems to collect and store rainwater during periods of rainfall. Also, explore other storage technologies to collect water during rainfall. This water can be used for irrigation or other water needs.

Development of organic waste management programs that can be used to improve soil quality and water retention

Improve the quality of water collection and storage through the construction of dams.


Research on crops tolerant to salt

Dissemination of best practices between countries

Capacitation of population and reaching local levels to design new methods to tackle salinization through local knowledge and evidence

Assessment of non-economic losses from salinization
