Country page - Mongolia

Updated on 9 February 2024




Dzud, Floods, Drought, Biodiversity loss


  • Updating dzud/drought maps at local level
  • Research on Early warning and impact based forecast
  • Investment on different business and industries, mental &medical health care, stress and resilience management
  • Investment on market expansion for meat, milk dairy farm production.
  • Investment on insurance product for herders/ index based insurance.
  • Enhanced data systems
  • Identification of suitable solutions based on context-based localised approaches
  • Expansion of early warning systems by sector-based needs, community and livelihood related data sharing and systems updates
  • Enhancing technical assistance through global experiences to scale up existing projects and activities related to droughts and dzuds, and programmes for capacity building of technical staff working on the issue
  • Support for development of project proposals for accessing funding
  • Develop multi-hazard mapping and risk assessment
  • Capacity building on multi hazards, loss damage.


  • Identification of suitable solutions based on context-based localised approaches
  • Expansion of early warning systems by sector-based needs, community and livelihood related data sharing and systems updates
  • Enhancing technical assistance through global experiences to scale up existing projects and activities related to droughts, and programmes for capacity building of technical staff working on the issue
  • Sharing of good practices knowledge sharing workshops conducted for the region
  • Identification for means of implementation for identified solutions, as well as development of case studies, solutions and approaches through match-making for support provision, especially funding for conducting activities
  • Support for development of project proposals for accessing funding


  • Development of flood mapping, riverine and pluvial based on triggers working with local experts to support enhancing and filling gaps where needed in developing flood maps
  • Identifying suitable funding sources for implementation of infrastructure-based approaches related to flood risk reduction
  • Enhancing data management portals on flood hazard, for long term data related to floods building on existing data systems, and inputs of national authorities and experts
  • Enhancing technical assistance through global experiences to scale up existing projects and activities related to floods, and programmes for capacity building of technical staff working on the issue
  • Support for development of project proposals for accessing funding

Cold/ Heat Stress:

  • Support in conducting cold/heat stress mapping building on different levels of governance for addressing needs by sector and governance levels
  • Capacity building and support for better implementing actions related to cold/heat stress
  • Data generation and support for maintaining long term data by different levels of governance structures for policy and action development and implementation
  • Capacity building on the thematic focus based on cross-sectoral approaches
  • Support scaling up research on health impacts and sharing of research existing at different platforms for enhancing outputs
  • Sharing of good practices and engagement with multi-sectoral and cross-cutting engagement for better approaches.
  • Support for development of project proposals for accessing funding for cold/ heat stress

Biodiversity loss:

  • Support provision for scaling up evidence generation and research on the thematic focus, and specific species
  • Data management and projection on different identified species, support for scaling up existing activities including identifying suitable funding sources for implementation of actions
  • Sharing of good practices and engagement with multi-sectoral and cross-cutting engagement for better approaches.


  • equipment for data management and sharing by different hazards
  • Provision of equipment for information receiving for vulnerable communities
  • Sharing of available data applicable for planning action
  • Develop multi-hazard mapping and risk assessment

Capacity building on multi hazards, loss damage.
