Country page - Trinidad and Tobago

Updated on 7 February 2024





High winds, Floods, Landslides


Localization of risk assessments and management

Help address the absence of standardized sub-national risk assessments and management strategies through sharing of methodologies and tools. The Santiago Network (SN) can play a crucial role in facilitating knowledge exchange and capacity building in this regard.

Tools for risk information management  and Pre-Impact Damage Assessment

Coordination of best practices in disaster risk reduction and management governance frameworks especially policies and legislation

Foster coordination among member countries of the SN to share best practices on governance frameworks such as policies, legislation and SOPs particularly related to disaster risk reduction, climate adaptationbuilding codes, and other hazard-specific measures. This collaboration can contribute to the development of standardized guidelines and regulations that enhance resilience and address specific hazards across the region.

Enhanced communication strategies for tangible actions for multi-sectoral engagement

Develop and promote enhanced communication strategies that effectively translate risk information into tangible actions through clear and actionable messaging, visualization techniques, community engagement, and partnership with local stakeholders to ensure that individuals and communities get motivated to take appropriate preparedness and mitigation measures.

Equitable aid provision

Help address the issue of sectoral silos by supporting the development of a guide or knowledge product that informs institutional structures responsible for grant funding and social concerns which can recommend uniform criteria for selecting social protection beneficiaries, ensuring that aid and support reach those who genuinely need it and preventing exploitation of loopholes that allow certain individuals to repeatedly benefit while leaving others deprived of assistance.

Expansion of Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems

Enhance early warning systems by incorporating indicators beyond climatic components - consider socio-economic factors, community vulnerability, and other relevant indicators to provide comprehensive and context-specific early warning information for accurate risk assessment and timely decision-making.Top of Form
