Submissions on Work programme under the framework for non-market approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 8, of the Paris Agreement and in decision 4/CMA.3

Parties and observers’ views and information on the key elements of the framework for non-market approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement, including: (a) Work programme activities referred to in chapter V of the annex to decision 4/CMA.3; (b) The process for submitting and recording non-market approaches in the UNFCCC web-based platform for non-market approaches referred to in paragraph 3(b) of FCCC/SBSTA/2023/L.4, taking into account provisions in paragraphs 2–3 of the annex to decision 4/CMA.3 and acknowledging that Parties participating in non-market approaches may define arrangements based on the determination by their national focal points; (c) Possible topics for the next in-session workshop, including round-table discussions and presentations on non-market approaches, referred to in paragraph 9(b) of FCCC/SBSTA/2023/L.4.

Mandate: FCCC/SBSTA/2023/L.4

Deadline: 18/09/2023

Party Submission date Document
United States of America 27/09/2023 A6.8_US_submission - 092523
Russian Federation on behalf of Russian Federation 18/09/2023 RU Submission Article 6.8 (RU)
Russian Federation on behalf of Russian Federation 18/09/2023 RU Submission Article 6.8 (ENG)
Argentina on behalf of ABU 18/09/2023 18 09 2023 - ABU Submission - Article 6.8_clean
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) on behalf of Bolivia on behalf of the Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) 17/09/2023 LMDC Article 6.8 submission_17.09.2023

