Adaptation Committee: Boosting region-wide coherence on adaptation

A series of regional engagement events

The Adaptation Committee (AC) is the leading body under the United Nations providing coherence and guidance on adaptation, promoting synergy and strengthening engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks.

The AC aims to strengthen engagement with region-wide and international organizations, centres and networks, and foster synergies among multi-country and transboundary initiatives in line with global efforts. To this end, the AC organized a series of region-wide engagement events, which fostered exchange with key actors. The aim of these events was to co-create an understanding of the region-wide and transboundary adaptation action and support, and to bring together relevant organizations, development banks, and other key stakeholders to enhance synergies and work together towards a more resilient future, while exploring solutions to address gaps and needs in line with the global adaptation agenda.

These events took place within the context of other major regional events:

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