Together4Transparency at 2023 RCWs

During the 2023 Regional Climate Weeks, several events will be organized by the UNFCCC secretariat under the banner of #Together4Transparency.

T4T at RCWs 2023

The 2023 Regional Climate Weeks (RCWs) provide a platform for regional policy-makers, practitioners, businesses and communities to showcase their achievements and lessons learned so far, how they intend to enhance their climate action and cooperation and also how they will ensure credibility of and trust in their climate pledges and initiatives to contribute to the required transformation across the above mentioned systems-based tracks.

Transparency of climate action and support is one of the most important means of building mutual trust and confidence among Parties, promoting effective implementation and enabling Parties to raise their ambition over time.

In partnership with a wide range of stakeholders, #Together4Transparency will bring together a range of transparency events during the regional climate weeks. The primary objective is to generate a global momentum to prepare and submit by the governments, in a timely manner, the national progress report (biennial transparency report) on the implementation of the Paris Agreement – the first of its kind that should happen before or at the latest by 31 December 2024.

Specific schedules for events under the banner of #Together4Transparency taking place at RCWs in Africa, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Asia-Pacific are available in the respective tabs.

#Together4Transparency activities at RCWs
T4T corner SB58

The Together4Transparency corner is a space for Parties, partners and stakeholders to come together and discuss transparency related matters, including support opportunities to developing countries, the preparation and submission by the governments, in a timely manner, of BTRs, and the reviews under the ETF. The space will be located in a visible part of the venue and will serve as a central point for key transparency stakeholders to meet and engage on transparency related matters aimed towards facilitating financial, technical and capacity-building support to countries in the region.

ETF and Tracking

The Regional ETF Dialogues are organized in conjunction with the Regional Climate Weeks, as an opportunity for bringing together different stakeholders, including public and private actors, to discuss the various aspects, challenges and opportunities in climate action and transparency, and exchange knowledge, experiences and lessons learned. The Regional ETF Dialogues provide a platform for high-level policy discussions as well as effective exchange of technical knowledge, whereas they aim to enhance the political profile of transparency and engage a broad range of stakeholders; which plays a fundamental role not only in mobilizing support, but also in providing capacity-building support to practitioners through technical exchange. They will be delivered over two days.

Parties flags

Encouraged by the positive outcomes and experiences of conducting the technical analysis of biennial update reports (BUR) during the LAC and Africa Climate Weeks in 2022, the regional approach to technical analysis of developing country Parties' BURs is also adopted for the regional climate weeks in 2023. Further, as the secretariat continues to support the implementation of the ETF, planned technical analysis rounds demonstrate the trust and confidence of developing country Parties to cooperate with the analysis of their national information. It will be a key opportunity to acquire experiences that can inform the group review of biennial transparency reports from the LDCs and SIDS by a single expert review team. Technical analysis rounds are planned on the margins of the regional climate weeks in 2023. 

Training programmes for experts reviewers_cover image

Training of new technical expert reviewers is key to guaranteeing the full implementation of the enhanced transparency framework. In the pursue of expanding the number of experts eligible to participate in the TER and taking into consideration the degree of complexity in relevant trainings and examinations, the secretariat will organize additional training opportunities, including in-person hands-on training seminars during 2023 Regional Climate Weeks and test centers in order to increase the learning opportunities, facilitate participation, and improve the engagement of experts from developing countries. The RCW will provide an avenue to complement the training programme by offering additional training opportunities to developing country experts and also to build on the efforts to sensitize new experts. Further, it will also provide an opportunity for experts to undertake the available exams of the BTR training programme.

Image: Scott Graham

Decision 5/CMA.3 requests the secretariat to develop reporting tools for the electronic reporting of the common reporting tables (GHG inventory) and common tabular formats (for tracking progress and FTC). In accordance with para. 12 of the same decision, once the test version of the reporting tools becomes available, the secretariat is requested to organize regular technical training workshops (online and/or in person) to facilitate an interactive exercise with experts from Parties that demonstrates the concepts and the basic functions of the reporting tools. This event is being planned and organized under the umbrella of RCW to fulfill the above-mentioned mandate as well as to bring the technical trainings workshops closer to more regions and their respective countries. The regional approach to technical training workshops is an excellent opportunity to interact with experts and Parties from the region, understand their challenges and needs for using the tools and raise awareness/visibility of the tools. The event is intended for all four regional climate weeks.
