Mandated and other events
IPCC in-session technical workshop on findings on emission metrics contained in its Sixth Assessment Report
07 Jun. 2023
10:00h - 13:00h
Bonn, Germany
Bangkok, Main Building
Main Building
Mandated and other events
IPCC in-session technical workshop on findings on emission metrics contained in its Sixth Assessment Report
07 Jun. 2023
10:00h - 13:00h
Bonn, Germany
Bangkok, Main Building
Main Building

The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), at its 30th session, initiated its consideration of common metrics to calculate the carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalence of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by sources and removals by sinks (hereinafter referred to as common metrics) under the methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol. SBSTA 34 agreed that the consideration of common metrics would continue under the methodological issues under the Convention.

Since then, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) met with Parties to the Convention under SBSTA to consider emission metrics with a focus on, among others, uncertainties and relationship between policy frameworks and metrics in 2012  and to consider the findings on emission metrics contained in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report in 2014.

The SBSTA 57 (November 2022) invited the IPCC to present the findings on emission metrics contained in its Sixth Assessment Report at an in-session technical workshop at SBSTA 58 (June 2023). SBSTA 57 requested the UNFCCC secretariat to prepare a technical report as an outcome of the in-session technical workshop and agreed to continue consideration of common metrics at SBSTA 66 (2027).



(Version of 31 May 2023)


Opening remarks
  • Mr. Harry Vreuls, SBSTA Chair
  • Mr. Hoesung Lee, IPCC Chair
Introductory presentation
  • Mr. Javier Hanna, UNFCCC secretariat

          - Brief history of common metrics consideration under the UNFCCC
          - SBSTA mandate and scope of the workshop


Overview presentation
  • Mr. Jan Fuglestvedt, WG I Vice-Chair, Mr. Andy Reisinger, WG III Vice-Chair and Mr. Diriba Korecha Dadi, WG III Vice-Chair

         - Scientific evolution of emission metrics from the Fifth Assessment Report to the Sixth Assessment Report
         - Key issues related to the choice of different emission metrics and their relationship to net zero
         - Introduction to Working Group I and Working Group III assessments


Presentation of key findings on emission metrics as contained in the Sixth Assessment Report
  • Working Group I perspectives – Mr. William Collins, WG I Lead Author
  • Working Group III perspectives – Mr. Andy Reisinger, WG III Vice-Chair

WG I Presentation
WG III Presentation

Q&A panel


  • Ms. Thelma Krug, IPCC Vice-Chair


  • Mr. Jan Fuglestvedt, WG I Vice-Chair
  • Mr. Andy Reisinger, WG III Vice-Chair
  • Mr. Diriba Korecha Dadi, WG III Vice-Chair
  • Mr. William Collins, WG I Lead Author
  • Ms. Joana Portugal Pereira, WG III Lead Author
11:30–11:40 Break
Additional perspectives on the Sixth Assessment Report assessment of GHG emission metrics
from three scientists active in the field
  • Ms. Michelle Cain, Cranfield University
  • Mr. Malte Meinshausen, The University of Melbourne
  • Mr. Katsumasa Tanaka, Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory and National Institute for Environmental Studies
Open floor discussion: Experiences and open questions from users of the applications
of emission metrics

Facilitators: Ms.Thelma Krug, IPCC Vice-Chair and Mr. Youba Sokona, IPCC Vice-Chair

Concluding remarks
  • Ms. Valerie Masson-Delmotte, WG I Co-Chair
  • Mr. Jim Skea, WG III Co-Chair
  • Mr. Harry Vreuls, SBSTA Chair