Global Stocktake TD1.3: Poster session

The co-facilitators of the first technical dialogue of the global stocktake (GST1):

  • Are reaching out to Parties to the Paris Agreement and non-Party Stakeholders wishing to submit inputs to the third meeting of the Technical Dialogue (TD1.3) to be held in conjunction with the fifty-eighth sessions of the subsidiary bodies (SB 58) in Bonn, Germany to accompany the submissions with a one page poster summary on the submission. The co-facilitators urge submitters of inputs to GST1 to focus them on the scope of the GST as outlined in paragraphs 2 and 6(b) of decision 19/CMA.1. When preparing an input, they encourage submitters to take into consideration the guiding questions for the Information Collection and Preparation, as well as the Technical Assessment components of the GST1.
  • Previous examples of poster sessions can be found here.

This call for inputs is separate to the GST call for submissions to the Technical Dialogue and political output component submissions and poster session inputs submitted to the GST call for submissions will not be included. 


Poster session: The co-facilitators urge submitters of inputs to the poster session to focus them on the scope of the GST as outlined in paragraphs 2 and 6(b) of decision 19/CMA.1. When preparing an input, we encourage you to take into consideration the guiding questions for the Information Collection and Preparation, as well as the Technical Assessment components of the GST1. 


The first global stocktake - Inputs to the TD1.3 Call for poster inputs

Session Name:

SB 58

poster session 2023
Credit: UNFCCC

How to submit?

A guide to submitting can be found here.

Download the following form, download the licensing agreement and then submit the form and licensing agreement via the submission portal using this guide.

Submission deadline:

Two weeks before the start of SB 58, to allow sufficient time for evaluation and selection – Monday, 22 May 

Desired submissions format: 

  • Posters/artwork –A2, minimum of 4961 pixels x 7016 pixels (print resolution) and 1191 pixels x 1648 pixels (screen resolution) 

How the posters will be evaluated:

The secretariat will conduct an evaluation based on the below-listed evaluation criteria: 

  • Adheres to the formats – i.e. size of poster
  • Is related to one or more of the GST/TD1 topics mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation and support, as well as loss and damage, and response measures. Equity and ambition, based on best available science, are cross-cutting topics. 
  • Gets the message across 
  • Creative, innovative and original ideas represented 

The posters will be physically displayed at SB 58, and details of this will be confirmed in the coming weeks  

Please contact if you have any further queries