Mandated and other events
Technical Dialogue 1.2 Focused Exchanges
09 - 10 Nov. 2022
17:00h - 19:00h
Virtual event
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Ambition and Collective Progress
Mandated and other events
Technical Dialogue 1.2 Focused Exchanges
09 - 10 Nov. 2022
17:00h - 19:00h
Virtual event
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Ambition and Collective Progress
  • FE1 - Wednesday 9th November 17:00-19:00 Meeting Room 2. Click here  for the audio and visual recording.
  • FE2 - Thursday 10th November 17:00-19:00 Meeting Room 2. Click here  for the provisional audio recording. 

The co-facilitators hosted focused exchanges on intersections across thematic areas of the GST. Several panelists were invited to kick off each exchange, followed by an interactive exchange to allow for active participation and discussion among participants from Parties, observer organizations and NPS. The discussions were facilitated by the GST1 Technical Dialogue co-facilitators and will be captured in the summary report. More detail on the topics for these discussions is provided in section IV of the information note.



Panel members 


FE1 - Wednesday 9th November 17:00-19:00 Meeting Room 2


FE2 - Thursday 10th November 17:00-19:00 Meeting Room 2

Debra Roberts, Jim Skea, Henri Waisman, Racquel Moses 

Pathways towards low GHG emissions and climate-resilient development 

Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Lindsey Cook, Navroz Dubash, Rachel Kyte, Chizuru Aoki 

International cooperation on holistic and integrated approaches