COP events
Futures Lab: Just Transition and the Future of Work
11 Nov. 2022
11:50h - 12:50h
Virtual event
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Capacity-building Hub, Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center
Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center
COP events
Futures Lab: Just Transition and the Future of Work
11 Nov. 2022
11:50h - 12:50h
Virtual event
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Capacity-building Hub, Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center
Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center

Event Recording


UN Climate Change High-Level Champions

RCC_Panama_New UN Logo

in collaboration with 

Clean Cooking Alliance



In this future lab we will speak about currently available solutions that can be scaled to ensure a just transition for a net zero resilient future. Collectively we will project how work, workers and the workplace will evolve in the years ahead, due to climate change, and share ideas, solutions and tools to design a future of work that works for all in line with SDG 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all). 



  • Share best practice from trade unions, gender, employers and governments to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all 
  • Set benchmarks for climate leadership from NSA 
  • Present scalable solutions to ensure a just transition and to achieve SDG8  


Structure & Speakers


Segment and Speakers (Presentation)

10 mins

Opening and Framing  

Opening remarks  

Why this topic matters?  

Set out the vision.   

What today’s session is about. Agenda overview.  

Where are we now, and where do we want to get to? 

What are the future systems we’re re-imagining and co-creating?  

5 mins

Ice breaker: What are solutions of today that can be scaled to ensure a just transition to net zero? 

25 mins


Imagine we are in 2050: How does 2050 look like? What did we do right to ensure equitable and just work conditions? What solutions do you bring today that can be scaled to achieve a just transition in the future?    


  • Rebecca Okello, Central Organisation of Trade Unions (Kenya)
  • Jillene Connors Belopolsky, Clean Cooking Alliance
  • Simon Schmid, SkillLab
  • Patrick Rondeau, Quebec Federation of Labour
  • Pravir Deshmukh, Confederation of Indian Industry
20 mins Respondents and interactive conversation with the audience 


Key Outcomes

  • We need to source finance from private, public as well as internal and external sources.
  • In times of unemployment, the introduction of just transition as a way of greening economies is a good opportunity for trade unions to go through some training.
  • The recognition of the skills and capabilities of individual workers is crucial. To effectively get there, we need to prioritize lifelong learning as human development, which is a lifelong cycle. We need to understand the current skills and capabilities of workers as a building block to get to a point where just transition is not only possible but also the requirements of industries are met.
  • There are multiple political and socioeconomic factors that limit women’s full participation, access to resources and the ability to thrive. There is one very often overlooked constraint that we can change immediately that will unlock the potential of women as full and productive members of society to help drive this just energy transition. 2.4 billion people around the world mainly women and children do not have access to clean cooking solutions and instead rely on traditional ways and polluting open fires to cook their meals every single day. If we do not bring women to the forefront of the just transition, then, the transition is not just.
  • A social dialogue mechanism, very strong protection for workers and implementation of labor rights will be the core of a just transition.